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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, 2R, 2T and X

DEXTROGYRATEdextrogyrate adj. Dextrorotatory.
DEXTROGYRATE adj. causing to turn to the right hand, also DEXTROGYRE.
DEXTROROTARYdextrorotary adj. Dextrorotatory.
DEXTROROTARY adj. turning to the right, esp. turning plane of polarized light, also DEXTROROTATORY.
EXPECTORATORexpectorator n. One who spits.
EXPECTORATOR n. one who expectorates.
EXTERMINATORexterminator n. Someone or something that exterminates.
exterminator n. Specifically, a person whose job it is to kill insects and other pests in a building.
EXTERMINATOR n. one who exterminates.
EXTEROCEPTORexteroceptor n. (Anatomy) A sense organ or nerve receptor that responds to external stimuli.
EXTEROCEPTOR n. a sense organ excited by exteroceptive stimuli.
EXTORTIONARYextortionary adj. Of, relating to, or typical of extortion; extortionate.
EXTORTIONARY adj. relating to extortion.
EXTORTIONERSextortioners n. Plural of extortioner.
EXTORTIONER n. one who practises extortion.
EXTRAMARITALextramarital adj. Occurring outside marriage.
extramarital adj. Adulterous.
extra-marital adj. Alternative spelling of extramarital.
EXTRAPOLATORextrapolator n. That which extrapolates.
EXTRAPOLATOR n. one who extrapolates.
EXTRAUTERINEextrauterine adj. Outside the uterus.
EXTRAUTERINE adj. situated or occurring outside the uterus.
EXTRAVERTINGextraverting v. Present participle of extravert.
EXTRAVERT v. to turn outwards.
EXTROVERTINGextroverting v. Present participle of extrovert.
EXTROVERT v. to turn outwards.
INTERMIXTUREintermixture n. A mass formed by mixture; a mass of ingredients mixed.
intermixture n. Admixture; an additional ingredient.
INTERMIXTURE n. a mass formed by mixture.
INTERTEXTUREintertexture n. The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven.
intertexture n. That which is interwoven.
INTERTEXTURE n. an interwoven state.
RETEXTURIZEDretexturized v. Simple past tense and past participle of retexturize.
RETEXTURIZESretexturizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retexturize.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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