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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, F, R, T and W

BLANKETFLOWERblanketflower n. Gaillardia; a plant of the genus Gaillardia.
blanket␣flower n. Synonym of gaillardia (“flowering plant”).
BLANKETFLOWER n. another name for gaillardia.
CAULIFLOWERETcaulifloweret n. A single floret of cauliflower.
CAULIFLOWERET n. a bitesize piece of cauliflower.
FEATHERWEIGHTfeatherweight n. A weight class in many combat sports; e.g. in professional boxing of a maximum of 126 pounds or 57.2 kilograms.
featherweight n. A sportsman who fights in this division.
featherweight n. The lightest weight that may be carried by a racehorse.
FLAMETHROWERSflamethrowers n. Plural of flamethrower.
flame␣throwers n. Plural of flame thrower.
FLAMETHROWER n. a device that expels from a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel under pressure.
FROWSTINESSESFROWSTINESS n. the state of being frowsty.
TELESOFTWARESTELESOFTWARE n. software that is transmitted to users by means of a teletext or viewdata system.
THENCEFORWARDthenceforward adv. From then on; from that time on.
THENCEFORWARD adv. from that time on, also THENCEFORWARDS.
WAFFLESTOMPERwafflestomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle-stomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle␣stomper n. (Footwear, informal) A type of heavy hiking boot with ridged soles.
WASTERFULNESSWASTERFULNESS n. the state of being wasterful.
WATERPROOFERSwaterproofers n. Plural of waterproofer.
WATERPROOFER n. one who waterproofs.
WEATHERPROOFSweatherproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of weatherproof.
WEATHERPROOF v. to make able to withstand exposure to weather without damage or loss of function.
WEIGHTLIFTERSweightlifters n. Plural of weightlifter.
weight␣lifters n. Plural of weight lifter.
WEIGHTLIFTER n. one who practises the sport of weightlifting.
WINTERFEEDINGwinterfeeding v. Present participle of winterfeed.
WINTERFEED v. to feed livestock in winter when the grazing is not rich enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 140 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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