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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing E, F, G, H, L and R

FILMOGRAPHIESfilmographies n. Plural of filmography.
FILMOGRAPHY n. a list of the films of a particular actor or director.
FLANNELGRAPHSflannelgraphs n. Plural of flannelgraph.
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
FLEXOGRAPHIESFLEXOGRAPHY n. a method of rotary letterpress printing using a resilient printing plate and solvent-based ink, used characteristically for printing on metal foil or plastic.
FLUGELHORNISTflugelhornist n. One who plays the flugelhorn.
FLUGELHORNIST n. one who plays the flugelhorn.
FORESIGHTEDLYforesightedly adv. With foresight; in a foresighted manner.
FORESIGHTED adv. having foresight.
FORESIGHTLESSforesightless adj. Lacking foresight.
FORESIGHTLESS adj. without foresight.
FORTNIGHTLIESfortnightlies n. Plural of fortnightly.
FORTNIGHTLY n. a publication appearing once every two weeks.
FREEWHEELINGSFREEWHEELING n. the act of freewheeling.
FRIGHTENINGLYfrighteningly adv. In a frightening or terrifying manner.
frighteningly adv. Very; beyond usual expectation so as to cause surprise or concern.
FRIGHTENING adv. FRIGHTEN, to make afraid, to scare, also FRIGHT.
FRIGHTFULNESSfrightfulness n. The quality of being frightful.
FRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being frightful.
FURSHLUGGINERfurshlugginer adj. (Informal) Well-worn, beat-up, piece of junk.
FURSHLUGGINER adj. (Yiddish) well-worn, beat-up.
GRANDFATHERLYgrandfatherly adj. In the manner of a grandfather.
grandfatherly adj. Having the characteristics of a grandfather.
GRANDFATHERLY adj. like a grandfather.
REFLECTOGRAPHreflectograph n. An image produced by reflectography.
REFLECTOGRAPH n. an image produced by reflectography.
SPRACHGEFUHLSSPRACHGEFUHL n. (German) an intuitive sense of what is linguistically appropriate.
WEIGHTLIFTERSweightlifters n. Plural of weightlifter.
weight␣lifters n. Plural of weight lifter.
WEIGHTLIFTER n. one who practises the sport of weightlifting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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