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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing 2E, L, N, O and S

ELEVONSelevons n. Plural of elevon.
ELEVON n. a hinged flap on the trailing edge of a delta wing, taking the place of both aileron and elevator in a conventional aircraft.
ENCLOSEenclose v. (Transitive) to surround with a wall, fence, etc.
enclose v. (Transitive) to insert into a container, usually an envelope or package.
ENCLOSE v. to surround, also INCLOSE.
ENOLASEenolase n. (Biochemistry) A metalloenzyme responsible for the catalysis of phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate…
ENOLASE n. a muscle enzyme.
ESLOYNEesloyne v. Obsolete spelling of eloign.
ESLOYNE v. to remove to a distant place, also ELOIN, ELOIGN, ESLOIN.
KEELSONkeelson n. (Nautical) A longitudinal beam fastened on top of the keel of a vessel for strength and stiffness.
KEELSON n. a wooden or steel structure lengthwise within a ship's frame to bear and distribute stress, also KELSON.
LOANEESloanees n. Plural of loanee.
LOANEE n. a person who receives a loan; a sportsperson who is loaned from one organization to another.
OLEINESoleines n. Plural of oleine.
OLEINE n. a glycerine ester of oleic acid, also OLEIN.
ONESELFoneself pron. A person’s self: general form of himself, herself, themself or yourself.
ONESELF pron. a person's self.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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