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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing E, G, H, I, N and S

ENGLISHenglish n. Spinning or rotary motion given to a ball around the vertical axis, as in billiards or bowling.
english n. (By extension, figurative) An unusual or unexpected interpretation of a text or idea, a spin, a nuance.
English adj. Of or pertaining to England.
GINCHESginches n. Plural of ginch.
GINCH n. (Canadian) underpants, also GITCH, GONCH, GOTCH.
HESPINGHESP v. (Scots) to fasten with a clasp, also HASP.
HEWINGShewings n. Plural of hewing.
HEWING n. the process of cutting e.g. a tree.
HEXINGShexings n. Plural of hexing.
HEXING n. the casting of an evil spell.
HINGERShingers n. Plural of hinger.
HINGER n. one that hinges.
HONGIESHONGI v. to greet by touching nose to nose.
MESHINGmeshing v. Present participle of mesh.
meshing n. The act by which something meshes or interlocks.
MESHING n. the act of meshing.
NIGHESTnighest adj. (Archaic) superlative form of nigh: most nigh.
NIGH adj. near.
SHEWINGshewing v. (Archaic) present participle of shew.
SHEW v. (archaic) to show, also SHAW.
SHINGLEshingle n. A small, thin piece of building material, often with one end thicker than the other, for laying in overlapping…
shingle n. A rectangular piece of steel obtained by means of a shingling process involving hammering of puddled steel.
shingle n. A small signboard designating a professional office; this may be both a physical signboard or a metaphoric…
SHOEINGshoeing v. Present participle of shoe.
shoeing n. The act of fitting an animal with horseshoes.
shoeing n. (Slang) A thrashing.
WHINGESwhinges n. Plural of whinge.
whinges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whinge.
WHINGE v. to complain fretfully, to whine, also WHEENGE, WINGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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