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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, 2I, 2L and S

BILLIESbillies n. Plural of billy.
BILLY n. (Australian slang) a metal camp pot, also BILLIE, BILLYCAN.
DILLIESdillies n. Plural of dilly.
DILLY n. a small bag, also DILLI.
FILLIESfillies n. Plural of filly.
FILLY n. a female horse up to four years old.
GILLIESgillies n. Plural of gillie.
gillies n. Plural of gilly.
Gillies prop.n. A surname.
ILLIPESillipes n. Plural of illipe.
ILLIPE n. (Tamil) the mahwa tree, also ILLUPI.
ILLITESillites n. Plural of illite.
ILLITE n. a white or pale clay mineral found in shales or sediments.
KILLIESKILLIE n. a small freshwater fish, used as bait, also KILLIFISH.
MILLIESmillies n. Plural of millie.
MILLIE n. (Irish) a young working-class woman.
PILLIESpillies n. Plural of pilly.
PILLIE n. (Australian slang) a pilchard.
SILICLEsilicle n. (Botany) A short silique, such as the seed capsule (fruit) of shepherd’s purse.
SILICLE n. a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long, also SILICULA, SILICULE.
SILLIERsillier adj. Comparative form of silly: more silly.
sillier adv. Comparative form of sillily: more sillily.
SILLY adj. showing a lack of common sense.
SILLIESsillies n. Plural of silly.
sillies n. (Informal, as "the sillies") A period of foolish behaviour.
SILLY n. a silly person.
WILLIESwillies n. Plural of willy.
willies n. (Colloquial, with "the") A feeling of nervousness or fear.
Willies prop.n. Plural of Willy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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