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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, I, L, M, O and S

BEMOILSbemoils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bemoil.
BEMOIL v. (Shakespeare) to bemire, bedraggle.
EMBOILSemboils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emboil.
EMBOIL v. (obsolete) to burn with anger.
LIMBOESLIMBO v. to perform a kind of West Indian dance.
LIMOSESLIMOSIS n. (Greek) an abnormally ravenous appetite.
LISSOMElissome adj. Alternative spelling of lissom.
LISSOME adj. easily flexed, lithe, also LISSOM, LITHESOME.
LOMEINSlomeins n. Plural of lomein.
LOMEIN n. (Chinese) a Chinese dish of noodles, meat and vegetables.
MELOIDSmeloids n. Plural of meloid.
MELOID n. a blister beetle.
MIDSOLEmidsole n. The layer of a shoe in between the outsole and insole, typically there for shock absorption.
MIDSOLE n. the middle layer of the sole of a shoe.
MOBILESmobiles n. Plural of mobile.
MOBILE n. a form of sculpture.
MOILERSmoilers n. Plural of moiler.
MOILER n. one who moils, drudges.
MOLINESmolines n. Plural of moline.
Molines prop.n. Plural of Moline.
MOLINE n. a cross with two outward curving branches.
MOLLIESmollies n. Plural of molly.
mollies n. Plural of mollie.
mollies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of molly.
MOOLIESmoolies n. Plural of moolie.
MOOLY n. a hornless cow, also MULEY, MOOLEY, MULLEY.
MOTILESmotiles n. Plural of motile.
MOTILE n. a person whose imagery takes the form of feelings of action.
OBELISMobelism n. (Rare) The practice of annotating manuscripts with marks set in the margins.
OBELISM n. the act of obelizing.
SEMILOGsemilog adj. (Of data plotted on a graph) Having one axis plotted on a logarithmic scale and the other linearly.
SEMILOG adj. having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic.
SMOILEDSMOILE v. (obsolete) to smile, also SMOYLE.
SMOILESSMOILE v. (obsolete) to smile, also SMOYLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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