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There are 16 seven-letter words containing E, M, O, R and 2S

ISOMERSisomers n. Plural of isomer.
ISOMER n. a body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound, also ISOMERE.
MOISERSmoisers n. Plural of moiser.
MOISER n. (Yiddish) an informer.
MOMSERSmomsers n. Plural of momser.
MOMSER n. (Yiddish) an illegitimate child; a despicable person, also MAMZER, MOMZER.
MORSELSmorsels n. Plural of morsel.
MORSEL v. to divide into small pieces.
MOSHERSmoshers n. Plural of mosher.
Moshers prop.n. Plural of Mosher.
MOSHER n. one who moshes, dances to loud rock music.
MOSSERSmossers n. Plural of mosser.
Mossers prop.n. Plural of Mosser.
MOSSER n. a person who works in cutting and preparing peats.
MOSSIERmossier adj. Comparative form of mossy: more mossy.
MOSSY adj. covered with moss.
MOTSERSMOTSER n. (Australian slang) a large amount of money, esp. a gambling win, also MOTZA.
MOUSERSmousers n. Plural of mouser.
Mousers prop.n. Plural of Mouser.
MOUSER n. a cat kept to catch mice.
SCROMESSCROME v. (dialect) to crawl or climb, esp. using the hands.
SERMONSsermons n. Plural of sermon.
Sermons prop.n. A surname.
SERMON v. to preach a religious discourse.
SEROMASseromas n. Plural of seroma.
SEROMA n. an abnormal pocket of clear fluid in the body.
SMOKERSsmokers n. Plural of smoker.
Smokers prop.n. Plural of Smoker.
SMOKER n. one that smokes.
SMOUSERsmouser n. Synonym of smous (“a peddler”).
SMOUSER n. (South African) a pedlar.
SOMBERSsombers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of somber.
SOMBER v. to make sombre.
SOMBRESsombres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sombre.
SOMBRE v. to make sombre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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