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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, N, O, P, R and T

ENTROPYentropy n. A measure of the disorder present in a system.
entropy n. (Thermodynamics, countable) A measure of the amount of energy in a physical system that cannot be used to do work.
entropy n. The capacity factor for thermal energy that is hidden with respect to temperature.
OPERANToperant adj. That operates to produce an effect.
operant n. An operative person or thing.
operant n. (Psychology) Any of a class of behaviors that produce consequences by operating (i.e., acting) upon the environment.
POINTERpointer n. Anything that points or is used for pointing.
pointer n. A teacher’s pointer, pointing stick, a rod with an arrow.
pointer n. A needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device that indicates the time or the current reading…
PORTENDportend v. (Transitive) To serve as a warning or omen of.
portend v. (Transitive) To signify; to denote.
PORTEND v. to serve as an omen of.
PORTENTportent n. Something that portends an event about to occur, especially an unfortunate or evil event; an omen.
portent n. A portending; significance.
portent n. Something regarded as portentous; a marvel; prodigy.
PORTMENportmen n. Plural of portman.
PORTMAN n. an inhabitant or burgess of a port, esp. of one of the Cinque Ports.
POSTERNpostern n. A back gate, back door, side entrance, or other gateway distinct from the main entrance.
postern n. (Archaic) By extension, a separate or hidden way in or out of a place, situation etc.
postern n. (Historical, military) A subterranean passage communicating between the parade and the main ditch, or…
PRONATEpronate v. (Transitive, anatomy) To turn or rotate one’s hand and forearm so that the palm faces down if the forearm…
pronate v. (Transitive, anatomy) To twist the foot so that if walking the weight would be borne on the inner edge of the foot.
pronate v. (Intransitive, anatomy) To become pronated.
PRONESTpronest adj. Superlative form of prone: most prone.
PRONE adj. lying face down.
PROTEANprotean adj. Exceedingly variable; readily assuming different shapes or forms.
protean adj. Alternative letter-case form of Protean (of or relating to Proteus).
protean n. (Biochemistry) A protein that has been slightly modified by water, dilute acid, or enzymes, but not…
PROTEINprotein n. (Biochemistry, countable) Any of numerous large, complex naturally-produced molecules composed of one…
protein n. (Nutrition, uncountable) One of three major classes of food or source of food energy (4 kcal/gram) abundant…
protein n. (Nutrition, countable) A food rich in protein, often a meat or meat substitute.
PROTENDprotend v. (Obsolete, transitive) To hold out; to stretch forth.
PROTEND v. (archaic) to stretch forth, hold out.
PTERIONpterion n. (Anatomy) The point corresponding with the posterior end of the sphenoparietal suture; known as the…
PTERION n. (Greek) a place where several skull bones meet.
REPOINTrepoint v. (Masonry) To replace or repair the pointing in brickwork.
REPOINT v. to repair mortar.
TROPINEtropine n. (Organic chemistry) A poisonous alkaloid (3-endo)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol obtained by…
TROPINE n. a poisonous alkaloid, also TROPIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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