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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2E, M, 2O and R

BORESOMEboresome adj. Marked by boredom; boring; uninteresting.
BORESOME adj. tedious, boring.
COMEOVERcomeover n. (Isle of Man) An immigrant.
come-over n. (Isle of Man) A non-Manx person living in the Isle of Man.
come␣over v. (Transitive) To affect in a sudden, unprecedented or surprising manner; to overwhelm a person’s ordinarily…
EMOCORESEMOCORE n. a type of music combining traditional hard rock with personal and emotional lyrics, also EMO.
KNEEROOMkneeroom n. The amount of space available for a person’s knees, for example in a vehicle.
KNEEROOM n. space to put one's knees.
MEROSOMEmerosome n. (Biology) Any of the segments of a segmented animal.
MEROSOME n. one of the serial segments of which a body is composed, also MEROME.
MOREOVERmoreover adv. (Conjunctive) In addition to what has been said; furthermore; additionally.
MOREOVER adv. in addition.
ODOMETERodometer n. An instrument, usually embedded within the speedometer of a vehicle, that measures the distance the…
odometer n. A wheel used by surveyors, which registers distance traveled.
ODOMETER n. a device for measuring distance travelled, also ODOGRAPH.
OROMETERorometer n. An aneroid barometer having a second scale that gives the approximate elevation above sea level of the…
OROMETER n. a barometer showing height above sea-level.
OVERCOMEovercome v. (Transitive) To surmount (a physical or abstract obstacle); to prevail over, to get the better of.
overcome v. (Intransitive) To prevail.
overcome v. (Transitive) To recover from (a difficulty), to get over.
OWRECOMEOWRECOME v. (Scots) to overcome.
PODOMEREpodomere n. A segment of a limb of an arthropod.
PODOMERE n. a limb segment of an arthropod, also PODITE.
PROTEOMEproteome n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The complete set of proteins encoded by a particular genome.
PROTEOME n. the complement of proteins expressed by a genome.
RHEOTOMErheotome n. Any instrument that interrupts an electric current.
RHEOTOME n. an instrument which periodically or otherwise interrupts an electric current.
ROOMETTEroomette n. (Rail transport, US) A small private compartment, for one person, in a railroad sleeping car.
ROOMETTE n. a small room.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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