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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, F, 2I, P and S

FIREPITSfirepits n. Plural of firepit.
fire␣pits n. Plural of fire pit.
FIREPIT n. a depression dug in the ground in which a fire is made.
FIRESHIPfireship n. (Nautical) A sailing ship that has been set alight and left to drift into an opposing fleet. Famously…
fireship n. (Vulgar, slang) A diseased prostitute.
fire␣ship n. (Historical) A wooden ship set alight and then sent floating into an enemy flotilla, with the aim of…
FISSIPEDfissiped adj. Having the toes separated from each other.
fissiped n. An animal that has the toes separated from each other.
FISSIPED n. an animal having separate digits, also FISSIPEDE.
FIVEPINSfivepins n. Plural of fivepin.
fivepins n. The game of fivepin bowling.
FIVEPINS n. a bowling game.
FLIPSIDEflipside n. The reverse, in contrast to the obverse.
flipside n. (Music) The B-side of a phonograph record.
flipside n. (Informal) A necessary consequence or corollary of something that acts as a negation or counterbalance;…
PACIFIESpacifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pacify.
PACIFY v. to make peaceful.
PIPEFISHpipefish n. A small fish of the seahorse family, having a long thin body covered with partially ossified plates…
PIPEFISH n. any of numerous fishes having a long slender armoured body and a tubular snout.
PURIFIESpurifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of purify.
PURIFY v. to cleanse from impurities.
SPECIFICspecific adj. Explicit or definite.
specific adj. (Bioscience, taxonomy) pertaining to a species, as a taxon or taxa at the rank of species.
specific adj. Special, distinctive or unique.
SPIFFIEDSPIFFY v. to make spiffy.
SPIFFIERspiffier adj. Comparative form of spiffy: more spiffy.
SPIFFY adj. excellent.
SPIFFIESspiffies n. Plural of spiffy.
Spiffies n. Plural of Spiffy.
SPIFFY v. to make spiffy.
SPINIFEXspinifex n. An Australian coastal grass, in genus Spinifex.
spinifex n. (Australia) A coastal grass, either in genera Triodia or Spinifex.
SPINIFEX n. (Latin) a sharp-pointed Australian grass.
SPITFIREspitfire n. A cannon.
spitfire n. A person with a fiery temper, someone easily provoked to anger, especially a woman or girl.
Spitfire n. (Historical) A single-seat fighter used by the RAF and allies during World War II, especially during…
TYPIFIEStypifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of typify.
TYPIFY v. to serve as a typical example.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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