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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, G, I, M, R and U

DEMIURGEdemiurge n. (Platonic philosophy) The (usually benevolent) being that created the universe out of primal matter.
demiurge n. (Gnosticism) A (usually jealous or outright malevolent) being who is inferior to the supreme being…
demiurge n. (Figuratively) Something (such as an idea, individual or institution) conceived as an autonomous creative…
DEMURINGdemuring v. Present participle of demure.
DEMURE v. to look modestly.
EMBRUINGembruing v. Present participle of embrue.
EMBRUE v. to drench, also IMBRUE.
ERYNGIUMeryngium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Eryngium of umbelliferous plants resembling thistles.
Eryngium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Apiaceae – a flowering plant of cosmopolitan distribution, including…
ERYNGIUM n. (Greek) a plant of the genus Eryngium, sea holly, reputed to be an aphrodisiac, also ERINGO, ERYNGO.
GERANIUMgeranium n. Any flowering plant of the genus Geranium, the cranesbills, of family Geraniaceae.
geranium n. The common name for flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium.
geranium n. A bright red color tinted with orange, like that of a scarlet geranium.
GLUMPIERGLUMPY adj. (dialect) sulky.
GRUMPHIEgrumphie n. (Scotland) A sow (female pig).
GRUMPHIE n. (Scots) a pig, also GRUMPHY.
GRUMPIERgrumpier adj. Comparative form of grumpy: more grumpy.
GRUMPY adj. bad-tempered.
GRUMPIESGRUMPY n. a bad-tempered person.
IMPUGNERimpugner n. One who impugns; one who opposes or contradicts.
IMPUGNER n. one who impugns, attacks with words.
MERINGUEmeringue n. A mixture consisting of beaten egg whites and sugar which is added to the tops of pies then browned.
meringue n. A shell made of this mixture which serves as the receptacle for fruit, ice cream or sherbet.
meringue v. (Cooking, transitive) To prepare as a meringue dish.
QUAGMIREquagmire n. A swampy, soggy area of ground.
quagmire n. (Figuratively) A perilous, mixed up and troubled situation; a hopeless tangle.
quagmire v. (Transitive) To embroil (A person, etc.) in complexity or difficulty.
REFUGIUMrefugium n. Any local environment that has escaped regional ecological change and therefore provides a habitat for…
refugium n. (Aquaculture) A separate section of a fishtank that shares the same water supply, used for denitrification…
REFUGIUM n. (Latin) a stable area during a period of continental climatic change.
RELUMINGreluming v. Present participle of relume.
RELUME v. to light again, also RELUMINE.
RESUMINGresuming v. Present participle of resume.
RESUME v. to begin again.
SMUDGIERsmudgier adj. Comparative form of smudgy: more smudgy.
SMUDGY adj. having smudges.
UMBERINGumbering v. Present participle of umber.
UMBER v. to colour with a brown pigment.
UMPIRAGEumpirage n. (Law, archaic) The office (or term of office) of an umpire.
UMPIRAGE n. the function of an umpire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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