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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, L, 2N, O and U

ANNULOSEannulose adj. Furnished with, or composed of, rings or ring-like segments; ringed.
annulose adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Annulosa.
ANNULOSE adj. pertaining to a ring.
LUNCHEONluncheon n. A formal meal served in the middle of the day.
luncheon n. (Dated) Any midday meal; lunch.
luncheon n. (Obsolete) A lump of food.
NEURONALneuronal adj. Of, or relating to a neuron.
NEURONAL adj. of or like a neuron, also NEURONIC.
NONEQUALnonequal adj. Not equal; unequal, different.
nonequal n. One who is not an equal; a person of differing rank or status.
NONEQUAL n. one that is not equal.
NONFUELSNONFUEL n. a type of energy not used for generating heat, power, or electricity.
NONUPLESnonuples n. Plural of nonuple.
NONUPLE n. a set of nine.
NONUPLETnonuplet n. A group of nine, particularly (music) a tuplet of nine notes.
nonuplet n. One of a group of nine, particularly one of nine babies born from the same mother at one time.
NONUPLET n. a group of nine notes to be performed in the time of eight or six.
NOUMENALnoumenal adj. (Philosophy, especially Kantianism) Of or pertaining to the noumenon or the realm of things as they are in themselves.
NOUMENAL adj. of or pertaining to the noumenon; real as opposed to phenomenal.
NOUNLESSnounless adj. Without a noun or nouns.
NOUNLESS adj. without a noun.
NUCLEONSnucleons n. Plural of nucleon.
NUCLEON n. a general name for a neutron or proton.
UNCLONEDuncloned adj. Not formed by, or subjected to, cloning.
UNCLONED adj. not cloned.
UNCLOVENuncloven adj. Not cloven.
UNCLOVEN adj. not cloven.
UNHOLPENunholpen adj. (Obsolete) Not helped.
UNHOLPEN adj. not helped.
UNLOOSENunloosen v. To unloose; to loosen.
UNLOOSEN v. to set free, also UNLOOSE.
UNMOLTENunmolten adj. Not molten.
UNMOLTEN adj. not molten.
UNNOBLEDunnobled adj. (Obsolete) Not ennobled.
UNNOBLE v. to deprive of nobility.
UNNOBLESUNNOBLE v. to deprive of nobility.
UNSOLEMNunsolemn adj. Not solemn.
UNSOLEMN adj. not solemn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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