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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing E, N, O, P and 2R

PARDONERpardoner n. One who pardons.
pardoner n. (Historical) In medieval Catholicism, a person licensed to grant papal pardons or indulgences.
PARDONER n. one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences.
PARERGONparergon n. A piece of work that is supplementary to or a byproduct of a larger work.
PARERGON n. (Greek) a piece of work undertaken in addition to one's principal employment.
PONDERERponderer n. A person who ponders; a thinker.
PONDERER n. one who ponders.
PRISONERprisoner n. A person incarcerated in a prison, while on trial or serving a sentence.
prisoner n. Any person held against their will.
prisoner n. A person who is or feels confined or trapped by a situation or a set of circumstances.
PROFANERprofaner n. One who profanes; a person who desecrates or defiles.
profaner adj. Comparative form of profane: more profane.
PROFANER n. one who profanes.
PRONEURSPRONEUR n. (French) a flatterer.
REOPENERreopener n. Anything that reopens.
REOPENER n. a clause in a contract for reconsideration.
UNPROPERunproper adj. (Obsolete) Improper, not according with fact or reason; wrong, irregular.
unproper adj. (Now rare) Improper, not suited for its use or application; inappropriate.
unproper adj. (Obsolete) Not belonging to a given person; someone else’s.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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