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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2E, F, L, R and Y

ELECTRIFYelectrify v. (Transitive) To supply electricity to; to charge with electricity.
electrify v. (Transitive) To cause electricity to pass through; to affect by electricity; to give an electric shock to.
electrify v. (Transitive) To adapt (a home, farm, village, city, industry, railroad) for electric power.
FEATURELYfeaturely adj. Having features; showing marked peculiarities; handsome.
FEATURELY adj. (archaic) handsome.
FEDERALLYfederally adv. In a federal manner.
FEDERAL adv. relating to or consisting of a treaty or covenant.
FERTILELYfertilely adv. In a fertile manner.
FERTILE adv. productive.
FERVENTLYfervently adv. In a fervent manner.
FERVENT adv. hot, glowing, zealous.
FLYSCREENflyscreen n. A screen attached to the front of a motorcycle, designed to prevent insects from flying into the rider.
flyscreen n. A window screen.
fly␣screen n. A window screen.
FREECYCLEfreecycle v. To recycle by giving away an item for free.
freecycle n. A group (especially an online messaging group) that engages in freecycling.
Freecycle prop.n. An Internet-based community where people can freely give unwanted items to others.
FREESTYLEfreestyle n. (Sports) A sports event where competitors can choose their own method of participation.
freestyle n. (Music) A form of rapping in which the emcee makes up lyrics while performing.
freestyle n. (By extension, attributive) Anything done in an improvised or unrestricted way.
KERFLOOEYkerflooey adj. (US, slang) kaput.
KERFLOOEY adj. into a state of destruction or malfunction.
PALFREYEDpalfreyed adj. (Archaic) Mounted on a palfrey.
PALFREYED adj. riding on a palfrey, a saddle horse.
PERFECTLYperfectly adv. With perfection.
perfectly adv. Wholly, completely, totally.
PERFECT adv. lacking in fault or defect.
REFINEDLYrefinedly adv. In a refined manner.
REFINED adv. REFINE, to free from impurities.
RELIQUEFYreliquefy v. (Transitive) To liquefy again.
RELIQUEFY v. to liquefy again, also RELIQUIFY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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