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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, F, 2N, T and U

CONFLUENTconfluent adj. (Of two or more objects or shapes) Converging, merging or flowing together into one.
confluent adj. (Meteorology, of wind) Converging, especially as viewed on a weather chart.
confluent adj. (Biology) Describing cells in a culture that merge to form a mass.
FUNDAMENTfundament n. Foundation.
fundament n. The bottom; the buttocks or anus.
fundament n. The underlying basis or principle for a theoretical or mathematical system.
FURNIMENTfurniment n. (Obsolete) Accoutrements, fittings.
FURNIMENT n. (Spenser) furnishing.
INFLUENTSinfluents n. Plural of influent.
INFLUENT n. a tributary stream.
INFORTUNEinfortune n. (Obsolete) misfortune.
infortune v. To afflict.
infortune v. (Astrology, of a planet) To have a malign influence.
UNFASTENSunfastens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfasten.
UNFASTEN v. to release from a fastening.
UNFITNESSunfitness n. The characteristic of being unfit or ill-suited.
unfitness n. The characteristic of being unfit or out of physical shape.
UNFITNESS n. the state of being unfit.
UNFORTUNEunfortune n. (Obsolete) misfortune.
UNFORTUNE n. (archaic) ill-fortune.
UNSTIFFENunstiffen v. To remove the stiffness from; to relax; to make pliant.
UNSTIFFEN v. to make not stiff.
UNTUNEFULuntuneful adj. Not tuneful; unmusical, inharmonious.
UNTUNEFUL adj. not tuneful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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