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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, N, O and X

ENDOMIXISendomixis n. (Biology) A periodic reorganization of the cell nucleus in certain ciliated protozoa.
ENDOMIXIS n. in Protozoa, a nuclear reorganization without conjugation.
EXCISIONSexcisions n. Plural of excision.
EXCISION n. the act of excising.
EXCITONICexcitonic adj. Of or pertaining to excitons or excitonics.
EXCITONIC adj. relating to an exciton, an electrically neutral excited crystal state, bound state of electron and hole.
EXPIATIONexpiation n. An act of atonement for a sin or wrongdoing.
expiation n. (Obsolete) The act of expiating or stripping off.
EXPIATION n. the act of expiating.
IMPLEXIONimplexion n. (Philosophy) A relation between incomplete and complete objects which seems to be very close to what…
IMPLEXION n. the act of involving, or state of being involved.
INFLEXIONinflexion n. Alternative spelling of inflection.
INFLEXION n. a change in the form of a word, usually modification or affixation, signalling change in such grammatical functions as tense, voice, mood, person, also INFLECTION.
PREFIXIONprefixion n. (Archaic) The act of prefixing.
PREFIXION n. the act of prefixing.
TOXIGENICtoxigenic adj. Toxicogenic.
TOXIGENIC adj. producing toxic substances and agents.
XYLOIDINExyloidine n. Alternative form of xyloidin.
XYLOIDINE n. a substance resembling pyroxylin, obtained by the action of nitric acid on starch, also XYLOIDIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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