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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, I, R, S, U and X

EXCURSINGexcursing v. Present participle of excurse.
EXCURSE v. (archaic) to digress.
EXCURSIONexcursion n. A brief recreational trip; a journey out of the usual way.
excursion n. A wandering from the main subject: a digression.
excursion n. (Aviation) An occurrence where an aircraft runs off the end or side of a runway or taxiway, usually…
EXCURSIVEexcursive adj. Tending to digress.
excursive adj. Tending to go out.
EXCURSIVE adj. constituting a digression.
EXORDIUMSexordiums n. Plural of exordium.
EXORDIUM n. (Latin) a beginning.
EXTRUSILEEXTRUSILE adj. capable of being extruded.
EXTRUSIONextrusion n. A manufacturing process where a billet of material is pushed and/or drawn through a die to create a…
extrusion n. An item formed by the process of extrusion.
EXTRUSION n. the act of extruding.
EXTRUSIVEextrusive adj. Jutting out; extruding.
extrusive adj. (Geology) Of rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, on to the Earth’s surface to lie atop…
extrusive n. (Geology) Rock which has been formed through volcanic extrusion.
FIXATURESfixatures n. Plural of fixature.
FIXATURE n. a hair fixing preparation.
SEXTARIUSsextarius n. (Historical) A Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of 1⅔ Roman pound of wine and equivalent…
sextarius n. (Historical) A Roman unit of dry measure.
SEXTARIUS n. (Latin) an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure.
TEXTURISEtexturise v. Alternative spelling of texturize.
TEXTURISE v. to give a particular texture to, also TEXTURIZE.
XENURINESxenurines n. Plural of xenurine.
XENURINE n. any armadillo of the genus Xenurus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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