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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, O, P and X

EXOPLANETexoplanet n. (Astronomy, planetology) A planet which exists outside Earth’s solar system.
exo-planet n. Alternative form of exoplanet.
EXOPLANET n. a planet that orbits a star in another solar system.
EXPLODINGexploding v. Present participle of explode.
exploding n. Explosion.
EXPLODE v. to blow up.
EXPLORINGexploring n. The action of the verb explore.
exploring v. Present participle of explore.
EXPLORE v. to examine thoroughly.
EXPLOSIONexplosion n. A violent release of energy (Sometimes mechanical, nuclear, or chemical.).
explosion n. A bursting due to pressure.
explosion n. The sound of an explosion.
EXPONIBLEexponible adj. Able to be, or requiring to be, explained.
EXPONIBLE adj. capable of being explained.
EXPULSIONexpulsion n. The act of expelling or the state of being expelled.
EXPULSION n. the act of expelling or state of being expelled.
IMPLEXIONimplexion n. (Philosophy) A relation between incomplete and complete objects which seems to be very close to what…
IMPLEXION n. the act of involving, or state of being involved.
PLEONEXIApleonexia n. Excessive or insatiable greed, avarice, covetousness, the desire to have more, a greedy desire for certain goods.
PLEONEXIA n. excessive or insatiable covetousness.
POLEAXINGpoleaxing v. Present participle of poleaxe.
POLEAX v. to strike with an axlike weapon, also POLEAXE.
XENOPHILExenophile n. A person who has a love of foreign people and culture.
xenophile n. A person with an interest in celebrating people’s differences. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
XENOPHILE n. one who loves foreigners.
XYLOPHONExylophone n. (Music) Any musical instrument (percussion idiophone) made of wooden slats graduated so as to make the…
xylophone v. To play a xylophone or to play something else as though it was a xylophone.
xylophone v. To move above a ridged surface so as to hit every ridge, in a manner similar to playing quickly and…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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