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There are 20 words containing 2E, 2G, L and P

PEGLEGGEDpeg-legged v. Simple past tense and past participle of peg-leg.
peg-legged adj. Having a peg leg.
peg␣legged v. Simple past tense and past participle of peg leg.
REPLEDGINGrepledging v. Present participle of repledge.
REPLEDGE v. to pledge again.
GOALKEEPINGgoalkeeping n. The art of a goalkeeper.
goalkeeping v. Present participle of goalkeep.
GOALKEEPING n. the activities of a goalkeeper.
LEAPFROGGEDleapfrogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of leapfrog.
leap-frogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of leap-frog.
LEAPFROG v. to jump over with the legs apart.
DOPPELGANGERdoppelganger n. A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts such a person.
doppelganger n. An evil twin.
doppelganger n. A remarkably similar double.
GOALKEEPINGSGOALKEEPING n. the activities of a goalkeeper.
GOOGOLPLEXESgoogolplexes n. Plural of googolplex.
GOOGOLPLEX n. the figure 1 followed by a googol of zeroes (10 raised to the googol power).
PHLEGMAGOGUEphlegmagogue n. (Obsolete) Any medicine supposed to expel phlegm.
PHLEGMAGOGUE n. a phlegm-expelling drug.
SUPERGLUEINGSUPERGLUE v. to glue with a powerful adhesive.
TELEGRAPHINGtelegraphing v. Present participle of telegraph.
telegraphing n. A communication by telegraph.
TELEGRAPH v. to transmit by telegraph, a combination of apparatus for transmitting information to a distance.
DEPHLEGMATINGdephlegmating v. Present participle of dephlegmate.
DEPHLEGMATE v. to distill something, such as alcohol.
DOPPELGANGERSdoppelgangers n. Plural of doppelganger.
doppelgängers n. Plural of doppelgänger.
DOPPELGANGER n. (German) a ghostly counterpart of a living person.
GELANDESPRUNGgelandesprung n. (Skiing) A jump, usually over an obstacle, made in downhill skiing.
geländesprung n. (Skiing) Alternative form of gelandesprung.
GELANDESPRUNG n. a skiing jump from a crouch using both poles.
PHLEGMAGOGUESphlegmagogues n. Plural of phlegmagogue.
PHLEGMAGOGUE n. a phlegm-expelling drug.
GELANDESPRUNGSgelandesprungs n. Plural of gelandesprung.
geländesprungs n. Plural of geländesprung.
GELANDESPRUNG n. a skiing jump from a crouch using both poles.
PALEOGEOGRAPHYpaleogeography n. Alternative spelling of palaeogeography.
PALEOGEOGRAPHY n. the geography of ancient times or of a particular past geological epoch.
PHOTOGEOLOGIESPHOTOGEOLOGY n. a branch of geology concerned with the identification and study of geological features through the study of aerial or orbital photographs.
GEOMORPHOLOGIESgeomorphologies n. Plural of geomorphology.
GEOMORPHOLOGY n. the study of the landscapes of the earth and their development.
PALAEOGEOGRAPHYpalaeogeography n. The study of historical geography — of the (chiefly physical, but sometimes political/cultural) geography…
palæogeography n. Obsolete spelling of palaeogeography.
PALAEOGEOGRAPHY n. the study of the geography of geological periods.
PALEOGEOGRAPHICpaleogeographic adj. Pertaining to paleogeography.
PALEOGEOGRAPHIC adj. relating to paleogeography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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