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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, 2S, U and V

EXCLUSIVESexclusives n. Plural of exclusive.
EXCLUSIVE n. an exclusive news scoop.
LAEVULOSESlaevuloses n. Plural of laevulose.
LAEVULOSE n. the laevorotatory (and predominant naturally occurring) form of fructose, also LEVULOSE.
OVERPLUSESoverpluses n. Plural of overplus.
OVERPLUS n. a surplus.
PULVERISESpulverises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pulverise.
PULVERISE v. to reduce to powder, also PULVERIZE.
REVULSIVESrevulsives n. Plural of revulsive.
REVULSIVE n. a counterirritant.
SURVEILLESsurveilles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of surveille.
SURVEILLE v. to observe, keep under surveillance, also SURVEIL.
VEILLEUSESveilleuses n. Plural of veilleuse.
VEILLEUSE n. (French) a small, highly-decorated nightlight.
VESICULOSEvesiculose adj. Bladdery; vesicular; vesiculate; composed of, or covered with, vesicles.
VESICULOSE adj. in the form of a vesicula, a small blister.
VESTIBULESvestibules n. Plural of vestibule.
VESTIBULE v. to provide (a railway carriage) with vestibules; to link by means of vestibules.
VIRTUELESSvirtueless adj. Lacking virtue or goodness.
virtueless adj. Lacking efficacy.
VIRTUELESS adj. destitute of virtue.
VITELLUSESvitelluses n. Plural of vitellus.
VITELLUS n. (Latin) the yolk of an egg.
YOURSELVESyourselves pron. (Reflexive) Inflection of you (plural) used as the object of a verb or non-locative preposition in a…
yourselves pron. (Emphatic) You (plural), used to intensify the subject as the group addressed.
YOURSELF pron. a form of the second person pronoun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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