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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, F, I, O, P and 2R

AIRPROOFEDairproofed adj. That has been made airtight.
AIRPROOF v. to make impermeable to air.
FIREPOWERSfirepowers n. Plural of firepower.
FIREPOWER n. the amount of ammunition that can be fired with effect in a given time.
FIREPROOFSfireproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fireproof.
FIREPROOF v. to make proof against fire.
PERCIFORMSperciforms n. Plural of perciform.
PERCIFORM n. a perch-like fish.
PERFORMINGperforming v. Present participle of perform.
performing n. A performance.
PERFORMING n. the act of doing something.
PIFFERAROSpifferaros n. Plural of pifferaro.
PIFFERARO n. (Italian) a piffero player.
PORIFERANSporiferans n. Plural of poriferan.
PORIFERAN n. a member of the sponge family.
PORIFEROUSporiferous adj. Having pores.
poriferous adj. Of or related to the Porifera.
PORIFEROUS adj. having pores.
PREFORMINGpreforming v. Present participle of preform.
PREFORM v. to form beforehand.
PREINFORMSPREINFORM v. to inform in advance.
PROFFERINGproffering v. Present participle of proffer.
proffering n. The act by which something is proferred.
PROFFER v. to present for acceptance.
PROFITEERSprofiteers n. Plural of profiteer.
PROFITEER v. to act as a profiteer.
PROTEIFORMproteiform adj. (Zoology) changeable in form; resembling a proteus.
PROTEIFORM adj. changeable in form.
REPROOFINGreproofing v. Present participle of reproof.
REPROOF v. to make waterproof again.
VIPERIFORMVIPERIFORM adj. shaped like a snake or viper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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