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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, G, H, M, N, R and S

CHROMOGENSchromogens n. Plural of chromogen.
CHROMOGEN n. a substance which can be converted to a dyestuff by the introduction of a polar group.
FISHMONGERfishmonger n. (Britain) A person who sells fish.
fishmonger n. (Britain, rare) A fishmonger’s, a fishmonger’s shop: a shop that sells fish.
fishmonger n. (Archaic) A pimp.
HAMMERINGShammerings n. Plural of hammering.
HAMMERING n. the act of striking with a hammer.
HUMDINGERShumdingers n. Plural of humdinger.
HUMDINGER n. a person or thing of striking excellence.
MISHEARINGmishearing v. Present participle of mishear.
mishearing n. The act of hearing something incorrectly.
MISHEAR v. to hear incorrectly.
MORPHOGENSmorphogens n. Plural of morphogen.
MORPHOGEN n. a chemical substance that exerts an influence on morphogenesis.
MOTHERINGSmotherings n. Plural of mothering.
MOTHERING n. the act of mothering.
NEPHOGRAMSnephograms n. Plural of nephogram.
NEPHOGRAM n. a photograph of clouds.
NIGHTMARESnightmares n. Plural of nightmare.
NIGHTMARE n. a bad dream.
PHORMINGESphorminges n. Plural of phorminx.
PHORMINX n. (Greek) a kind of lyre used by the Greeks.
SCHMEARINGschmearing v. Present participle of schmear.
SCHMEAR v. (Yiddish) to spread or smear, also SCHMEER, SHMEAR, SHMEER.
SCHMEERINGschmeering v. Present participle of schmeer.
SCHMEER v. (Yiddish) to flatter or bribe, also SCHMEAR, SHMEAR, SHMEER.
SHIMMERINGshimmering v. Present participle of shimmer.
shimmering n. A gleam or glimmer.
SHIMMERING n. a tremulous gleam.
SMOTHERINGsmothering v. Present participle of smother.
smothering n. The act by which someone or something is smothered.
SMOTHERING adj. suffocating.
SPHENOGRAMsphenogram n. A cuneiform character.
SPHENOGRAM n. a cuneiform character.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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