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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2E, F, P, S, T and U

AFTERSUPPERAFTERSUPPER n. the time between supper and bedtime.
PERSULFATESpersulfates n. Plural of persulfate.
PERSULFATE n. a sulphuric acid salt of a base peroxide, also PERSULPHATE.
PESTIFEROUSpestiferous adj. Containing organisms that cause contagious diseases.
pestiferous adj. Annoying, vexatious.
PESTIFEROUS adj. bringing plague or pestilence.
PLUPERFECTSpluperfects n. Plural of pluperfect.
PLUPERFECT n. a tense denoting completion of action before a certain point in past time.
PREFECTURESprefectures n. Plural of prefecture.
PREFECTURE n. the office, position, or jurisdiction of a prefect; also, his official residence.
PREFIXTURESPREFIXTURE n. the act of prefixing.
PRESTIGEFULprestigeful adj. Respected, admired.
PRESTIGEFUL adj. full of prestige.
SEPTIFEROUSseptiferous adj. (Botany) Bearing a partition; said of the valves of a capsule.
septiferous adj. (Obsolete) Conveying putrid poison.
SEPTIFEROUS adj. having barriers.
SPITEFULLERspitefuller adj. Comparative form of spiteful: more spiteful.
SPITEFUL adj. malicious.
SUBPREFECTSsubprefects n. Plural of subprefect.
SUBPREFECT n. one ranking below a prefect.
SUPERFATTEDsuperfatted adj. Having been subjected to a superfatting treatment.
SUPERFATTED adj. of soap, having an excess of fat, so that there is no free alkali.
SUPERFECTASsuperfectas n. Plural of superfecta.
SUPERFECTA n. a bet in which the bettor must pick the first four winners of a race in the correct order.
SUPERFETATEsuperfetate v. To conceive after a prior conception, but before the birth of the offspring.
SUPERFETATE v. to conceive when a fetus is already in the uterus.
SUPERINFECTsuperinfect v. To infect as a superinfection.
SUPERINFECT v. to infect with a superinfection.
SUPERSAFETYsupersafety n. The state or condition of being supersafe; exceptional safety.
SUPERSAFETY n. the state of being supersafe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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