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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing E, G, L, R, S, T and V

CULVERTAGESCULVERTAGE n. (historical) the degradation of a peasant to the position of a serf.
DIVULGATERSdivulgaters n. Plural of divulgater.
DIVULGATER n. one who divulgates, also DIVULGATOR.
EVERLASTINGeverlasting adj. Lasting or enduring forever; existing or continuing without end.
everlasting adj. Continuing indefinitely, or during a long period; perpetual; sometimes used, colloquially, as a strong intensive.
everlasting adj. (Philosophy) Existing with infinite temporal duration (as opposed to existence outside of time).
GRAVELLIESTGRAVELLY adj. of or like gravel.
OVERFLIGHTSoverflights n. Plural of overflight.
OVERFLIGHT n. a passage over an area in an aircraft.
OVERLENGTHSOVERLENGTH n. excessive length.
OVERSALTINGoversalting v. Present participle of oversalt.
OVERSALT v. to salt to excess.
STARVELINGSstarvelings n. Plural of starveling.
STARVELING n. a starving, weak, hungry or pining person.
TRAVELLINGStravellings n. Plural of travelling.
TRAVELLING n. the act of travelling.
TRAVELOGUEStravelogues n. Plural of travelogue.
TRAVELOGUE n. a film, talk etc. on travel, also TRAVELOG.
VULGARITIESvulgarities n. Plural of vulgarity.
VULGARITY n. the state of being vulgar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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