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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2E, L, 2N, P and U

FLUPHENAZINEfluphenazine n. (Pharmacology) An antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine class, which can be administered orally or by injection.
FLUPHENAZINE n. a tranquilizer used esp. in the form of its hydrochloride.
INEXPUGNABLEinexpugnable adj. Impossible to eliminate or destroy; impregnable.
INEXPUGNABLE adj. not able to be attacked or captured.
INEXPUNGIBLEinexpungible adj. That cannot be expunged.
INEXPUNGIBLE adj. incapable of being obliterated.
NONPETROLEUMnonpetroleum adj. (Of fuel) Not petroleum-based, not containing petroleum.
NONPETROLEUM adj. not derived from petroleum.
PANHELLENIUMPanhellenium n. (Historical) An assembly or association of Greeks from all the states of Ancient Greece.
PANHELLENIUM n. a council representing all the sections of the Greeks, also PANHELLENION.
PENINSULATEDpeninsulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of peninsulate.
PENINSULATE v. to form into a peninsula.
PENINSULATESpeninsulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of peninsulate.
PENINSULATE v. to form into a peninsula.
PRELUNCHEONSPRELUNCHEON n. a light meal before lunch.
SPINULESCENTspinulescent adj. (Botany) Having small spines; somewhat thorny.
SPINULESCENT adj. like a spinule.
UNDEPENDABLEundependable adj. Not dependable.
UNDEPENDABLE adj. not dependable.
UNDEPENDABLYundependably adv. In an undependable manner; such that it cannot be relied upon.
UNDERPLANTEDunderplanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of underplant.
UNDERPLANT v. to plant smaller trees in between taller ones.
UNEMPLOYMENTunemployment n. The state of having no job; joblessness.
unemployment n. The phenomenon of joblessness in an economy.
unemployment n. The level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce.
UNEXPUGNABLEunexpugnable adj. That cannot be expugned; safe from attack.
UNEXPUGNABLE adj. not expugnable.
UNPATENTABLEunpatentable adj. (Law) Not patentable; that cannot be patented.
UNPATENTABLE adj. not patentable.
UNPERPLEXINGunperplexing adj. Not perplexing.
unperplexing v. Present participle of unperplex.
UNPERPLEX v. to free from perplexity.
UNPOLITENESSunpoliteness n. Lack of politeness.
UNPOLITENESS n. the state of being unpolite.
UNSUPPLENESSunsuppleness n. The quality of not being supple.
UNSUPPLENESS n. the state of being unsupple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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