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There are 18 words containing 3E, K, 2O and S

BOOKKEEPERSbookkeepers n. Plural of bookkeeper.
book-keepers n. Plural of book-keeper.
BOOKKEEPER n. a person responsible for keeping the accounts of a trader, public office, etc.
CROOKEDNESSEScrookednesses n. Plural of crookedness.
CROOKEDNESS n. the state of being crooked.
DEUTEROTOKIESDEUTEROTOKY n. parthenogenesis in which both males and females are produced.
DOORKEEPERSdoorkeepers n. Plural of doorkeeper.
door-keepers n. Plural of door-keeper (alternative form of doorkeepers).
DOORKEEPER n. a person who tends a door.
ENDOSKELETONendoskeleton n. (Anatomy) The internal skeleton of an animal, which in vertebrates is composed of bone and cartilage.
ENDOSKELETON n. an internal skeleton or supporting framework in an animal.
ENDOSKELETONSendoskeletons n. Plural of endoskeleton.
ENDOSKELETON n. an internal skeleton or supporting framework in an animal.
EXOSKELETONexoskeleton n. (Anatomy) A hard outer structure that provides both structure and protection to creatures such as insects…
EXOSKELETON n. an external skeleton.
EXOSKELETONSexoskeletons n. Plural of exoskeleton.
EXOSKELETON n. an external skeleton.
FOREKNOWLEDGESforeknowledges n. Plural of foreknowledge.
FOREKNOWLEDGE n. knowledge in advance of the event.
GOOSENECKEDgoosenecked adj. Having a gooseneck shape.
GOOSENECKED adj. having a neck like a goose.
HETEROKARYOSESHETEROKARYOSIS n. the condition of having cells that are heterokaryons.
HOOKEDNESSESHOOKEDNESS n. the state of being bent like a hook.
KINETHEODOLITESKINETHEODOLITE n. a theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites.
LEUKOPOIESESLEUKOPOIESIS n. the formation of white blood cells, also LEUCOPOIESIS.
OUTSPOKENNESSESoutspokennesses n. Plural of outspokenness.
OUTSPOKENNESS n. the state of being outspoken.
SKELETOGENOUSskeletogenous adj. Forming or producing parts of the skeleton.
SKELETOGENOUS adj. producing a skeleton.
SPOKESPEOPLEspokespeople n. Plural of spokesperson.
SPOKESPEOPLE n. people serving as spokesmen or spokeswomen.
ZOOKEEPERSzookeepers n. Plural of zookeeper.
zoo-keepers n. Plural of zoo-keeper.
ZOOKEEPER n. one who looks after animals in a zoo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 811 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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