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There are 18 words containing 2E, I, K and 3T

INTERKNITTEDinterknitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of interknit.
INTERKNIT v. to knit together.
INTERKNOTTEDinterknotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of interknot.
INTERKNOT v. to knot together.
KETTLESTITCHkettle␣stitch n. (Bookbinding) The stitch made in sewing at the head and tail of a book.
KETTLESTITCH n. a stitch made at head and tail of section of book to connect sections.
KETTLESTITCHESkettle␣stitches n. Plural of kettle stitch.
KETTLESTITCH n. a stitch made at head and tail of section of book to connect sections.
KITCHENETTEkitchenette n. Small kitchen or area for preparing food, often just a part of a room instead of a separate room.
KITCHENETTE n. a small kitchen or an alcove containing cooking facilities, also KITCHENET.
KITCHENETTESkitchenettes n. Plural of kitchenette.
KITCHENETTE n. a small kitchen or an alcove containing cooking facilities, also KITCHENET.
KITTENIESTKITTENY adj. like a kitten.
RICKETTIESTrickettiest adj. Superlative form of ricketty: most ricketty.
RICKETTY adj. shaky, ramshackle, also RICKETY.
SKITTERIESTSKITTERY adj. darting about.
SKUTTERUDITEskutterudite n. (Mineralogy) A class of mixed cobalt and nickel arsenide and sulfide minerals.
SKUTTERUDITE n. a cubic mineral, cobalt arsenide.
SKUTTERUDITESskutterudites n. Plural of skutterudite.
SKUTTERUDITE n. a cubic mineral, cobalt arsenide.
STOCKINETTEstockinette n. Alternative form of stockinet.
STOCKINETTE n. an elastic knitted fabric for undergarments, etc., also STOCKINET.
STOCKINETTESstockinettes n. Plural of stockinette.
STOCKINETTE n. an elastic knitted fabric for undergarments, etc., also STOCKINET.
STRAITJACKETEDstraitjacketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of straitjacket.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.
TACKETIESTTACKETY adj. like a tacket or hobnail.
TEKTITEtektite n. A small, round, dark glassy object, composed of silicates, formed by the rapid cooling of molten ejecta…
TEKTITE n. a type of small glassy stone, thought to be a product of meteorite impact, also TECTITE.
TEKTITEStektites n. Plural of tektite.
TEKTITE n. a type of small glassy stone, thought to be a product of meteorite impact, also TECTITE.
THICKETIESTTHICKETY adj. having the nature of a thicket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 536 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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