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There are 13 words containing E, F, H, L, 2O and T

FLOATHOUSESorry, definition not available.
FLOATHOUSESSorry, definition not available.
FLOODLIGHTEDfloodlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of floodlight.
floodlighted adj. Lit by floodlights; floodlit.
FLOODLIGHT v. to illuminate by floodlighting.
FLUOROPHOSPHATEfluorophosphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The anion PO3F2- formed by replacing one hydroxyl of a phosphate anion with a…
fluorophosphate n. (Organic chemistry) The functional group >PO3F formed by replacing one hydroxyl of a phosphate group…
FLUOROPHOSPHATE n. a mineral compound of fluorine and phosphorus.
FOOLHARDIESTfoolhardiest adj. Superlative form of foolhardy: most foolhardy.
FOOLHARDY adj. recklessly brave.
FOOLISHESTfoolishest adj. Superlative form of foolish: most foolish.
FOOLISH adj. lacking good sense or judgement.
FORECLOTHforecloth n. Antependium.
FORECLOTH n. a cloth that hangs over the front of an altar.
FORECLOTHSforecloths n. Plural of forecloth.
FORECLOTH n. a cloth that hangs over the front of an altar.
FORETHOUGHTFULforethoughtful adj. Having or full of forethought; provident; proactive; visionary.
FORETHOUGHTFUL adj. full of forethought.
FOULMOUTHEDfoulmouthed adj. Alternative form of foul-mouthed.
foul-mouthed adj. Tending to use obscene or offensive language.
FOULMOUTHED adj. given to the use of obscene, profane, or abusive language.
PHOTOFLASHESphotoflashes n. Plural of photoflash.
PHOTOFLASH n. a photographic flash.
THERMOFORMABLEthermoformable adj. Capable of being thermoformed.
THERMOFORMABLE adj. capable of being thermoformed.
TOMFOOLISHNESStomfoolishness n. The quality of being tomfoolish.
TOMFOOLISHNESS n. the state of being tomfoolish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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