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There are 17 words containing E, K, 2O, P, R and W

COPPERWORKcopperwork n. Works made from copper.
COPPERWORK n. craftwork in copper.
COPPERWORKScopperworks n. A place where copper is manufactured and/or shaped.
COPPERWORK n. craftwork in copper.
DOCKWALLOPERDOCKWALLOPER n. an informal US name for docker.
DOCKWALLOPERSDOCKWALLOPER n. an informal US name for docker.
OPENWORKopenwork n. Any of several forms of metalwork or needlework having decorative openings.
openwork n. (Mining) A quarry; an open cut.
open-work n. Alternative spelling of openwork.
OPENWORKSopenworks n. Plural of openwork.
OPENWORK n. ornamental work with numerous openings.
POKERWORKpokerwork n. Pyrography created with a hot poker.
POKERWORK n. the art of producing designs on wood by burning it with a hot metal rod.
POKERWORKSPOKERWORK n. the art of producing designs on wood by burning it with a hot metal rod.
ROPEWORKropework n. (Nautical) The making, repairing, knotting, splicing and storing of rope, and the manufacture of devices…
ropework n. A form of raised convex or painted decoration in the form of twisted rope applied to architecture, ceramics…
ROPEWORK n. a place where ropes are made.
ROPEWORKSropeworks n. Plural of ropework.
ROPEWORK n. a place where ropes are made.
SLOPWORKERSLOPWORKER n. one who does slopwork, the making of slop-clothing.
SLOPWORKERSSLOPWORKER n. one who does slopwork, the making of slop-clothing.
TOPWORKEDtopworked v. Simple past tense and past participle of topwork.
TOPWORK v. to graft scions of another variety of plant on the main branches of.
WOODPECKERwoodpecker n. Any bird of species-rich family Picidae, with a strong pointed beak suitable for pecking holes in wood.
woodpecker n. (Military slang) Type 92 heavy machine gun.
WOODPECKER n. any of a family of birds in the order Picariae, remarkable for modification of the skull and bill enabling the latter to be used to drill holes.
WOODPECKERSwoodpeckers n. Plural of woodpecker.
WOODPECKER n. any of a family of birds in the order Picariae, remarkable for modification of the skull and bill enabling the latter to be used to drill holes.
WORKPEOPLEworkpeople n. Plural of workperson.
WORKPEOPLE n. people who work.
WORKSHOPPEDworkshopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of workshop.
WORKSHOP v. to hold a workshop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 253 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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