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There are 13 five-letter words containing F and 2L

FALLSfalls n. A waterfall.
falls n. Plural of fall.
falls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fall.
FELLAfella n. Pronunciation spelling of fellow.
fella n. (Informal) Used as a term of address for a male person.
fella n. (Australian Aboriginal) Used as a general intensifier; a pfella.
FELLSfells v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fell.
fells n. Plural of fell.
Fells prop.n. A surname.
FELLYfelly n. The outer rim of a wheel, supported by the spokes.
felly adv. (Now rare) Fiercely, harshly.
FELLY n. the rim of a wheel, also FELLOE.
FILLEFILLE n. (French) a girl.
FILLOfillo n. Alternative spelling of phyllo.
FILLO n. (Greek) very thin pastry dough, also FILO, PHYLLO.
FILLSfills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fill.
fills n. Plural of fill.
Fills prop.n. Plural of Fill.
FILLYfilly n. A young female horse.
filly n. (Dated) A young, attractive woman.
FILLY n. a female horse up to four years old.
FLAILflail n. A tool used for threshing, consisting of a long handle with a shorter stick attached with a short piece…
flail n. A weapon which has the (usually spherical) striking part attached to the handle with a flexible joint such as a chain.
flail v. (Transitive) To beat using a flail or similar implement.
FOLLYfolly n. Foolishness that results from a lack of foresight or lack of practicality.
folly n. Thoughtless action resulting in tragic consequence.
folly n. (Architecture) A fanciful building built for purely ornamental reasons.
FRILLfrill n. A strip of pleated fabric or paper used as decoration or trim.
frill n. (Figurative) A substance or material on the edge of something, resembling such a strip of fabric.
frill n. (Photography) A wrinkled edge to a film.
FULLSfulls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of full.
Fulls prop.n. Plural of Full.
FULL v. to shrink and thicken, as cloth.
FULLYfully adv. In a full manner; without lack or defect.
fully adv. In a full degree; to a full extent.
fully adv. As a minimum; at least.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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