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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2F and 2O

AFFICIONADOSafficionados n. Plural of afficionado.
AFFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFICIONADO.
BUFFOONERIESbuffooneries n. Plural of buffoonery.
BUFFOONERY n. foolish or playful behavior.
COFFEEHOUSEScoffeehouses n. Plural of coffeehouse.
coffee-houses n. Plural of coffee-house.
coffee␣houses n. Plural of coffee house.
COUNTEROFFERcounteroffer n. An offer made in reply to an unacceptable offer.
counteroffer v. To offer as a counteroffer.
counter-offer n. Alternative form of counteroffer.
FIREPROOFINGfireproofing v. Present participle of fireproof.
fireproofing n. The process of making something resistant to fire.
fireproofing n. A fire-resistant coating or substance.
FLAMEPROOFEDflameproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flameproof.
FLAMEPROOF v. to make resistant to damage or burning on contact with flame.
FLAMEPROOFERflameproofer n. Any substance used for flameproofing.
FLAMEPROOFER n. one who flameproofs.
FOOTFAULTINGfootfaulting v. Present participle of footfault.
FOOTFAULT v. to commit a serving fault at tennis.
FOURFOLDNESSfourfoldness n. The property of being fourfold.
FOURFOLDNESS n. the state of being fourfold.
FRIGORIFICOSFRIGORIFICO n. (Spanish) a slaughtering and meat-freezing establishment.
FRONDIFEROUSfrondiferous adj. Producing fronds.
FRONDIFEROUS adj. bearing or producing fronds.
NONOFFICIALSnonofficials n. Plural of nonofficial.
NONOFFICIAL n. one who is not an official.
OFFICEHOLDERofficeholder n. A person who holds an office, especially one appointed or elected to a public office; an incumbent.
office-holder n. Alternative form of officeholder.
office␣holder n. Alternative form of officeholder.
OFFICIALDOMSofficialdoms n. Plural of officialdom.
OFFICIALDOM n. officials as a class.
OFFICIATIONSofficiations n. Plural of officiation.
OFFICIATION n. the act of officiating.
OFFSCOURINGSoffscourings n. Plural of offscouring.
OFFSCOURING n. someone rejected by society.
OVEROFFICINGOVEROFFICE v. to domineer over by virtue of office.
PUFFTALOONASPUFFTALOONAS n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFTALOON, PUFTALOONIES.
SUFFOCATIONSsuffocations n. Plural of suffocation.
SUFFOCATION n. the act of suffocating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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