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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing F, O, R and U

FLOURflour n. Powder obtained by grinding or milling cereal grains, especially wheat, or other foodstuffs such as…
flour n. (US standards of identity) The food made by grinding and bolting cleaned wheat (not durum or red durum)…
flour n. Powder of other material.
FLUORfluor n. (Dated) The mineral fluorite.
fluor n. (Obsolete) A flow or flux.
fluor n. (Obsolete, in the plural) Menstrual periods.
FORUMforum n. A place for discussion.
forum n. A gathering for the purpose of discussion.
forum n. A form of discussion involving a panel of presenters and often participation by members of the audience.
FOUERFOU adj. (Scots) drunk.
FOURSfours n. Plural of four.
fours n. (Poker slang) A pair of fours.
fours n. (UK, prison slang) The cells located on the third floor.
FUEROfuero n. A code; a charter; a grant of privileges.
fuero n. A custom having the force of law.
fuero n. A declaration by a magistrate.
FUROLfurol n. Synonym of furfural.
FUROL n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROL, FURFUROLE, FUROLE.
FURORfuror n. A general uproar or commotion.
furor n. Violent anger or frenzy.
furor n. A state of intense excitement.
GROUFGROUF n. (obsolete) the front of one's body, one's face, also GROOF, GRUFE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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