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There are 19 seven-letter words containing F, H, O and T

FATHOMSfathoms n. Plural of fathom.
fathoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fathom.
FATHOM v. to ascertain the depth of.
FORHENTFORHENT v. to overtake, also FOREHENT.
FOTHERSfothers n. Plural of fother.
FOTHER v. to protect a sail with tarred yarn.
FOUGHTYFOUGHTY adj. (dialect) musty, mouldy.
FOURTHSfourths n. Plural of fourth.
FOURTH n. one of four equal parts.
FOXHUNTfoxhunt n. A hunt for foxes, usually with dogs.
foxhunt n. A hunt for radio transmitters; radiosport.
foxhunt v. (Intransitive) To hunt foxes, usually with dogs.
FROTHEDfrothed v. Simple past tense and past participle of froth.
FROTH v. to foam.
FROTHERfrother v. (Dialectal) To comfort.
frother v. (Dialectal) To feed.
frother n. A machine that generates froth.
FUTHORCfuthorc n. The Runic alphabet as used to write Old English and Old Frisian.
FUTHORC n. the runic alphabet, also FUTHARC, FUTHARK, FUTHORK.
FUTHORKfuthork n. Alternative spelling of futhorc.
FUTHORK n. the runic alphabet, also FUTHARC, FUTHARK, FUTHORC.
HAYLOFThayloft n. The upper storey of a barn used for storing hay.
hay␣loft n. Alternative spelling of hayloft.
HAYLOFT n. a loft for storing hay.
HOOFROThoofrot n. Synonym of footrot.
HOOFROT n. foot-rot.
HOTFOOThotfoot n. (US) The prank of secretly inserting a match between the sole and upper of a victim’s shoe and then lighting it.
hotfoot adj. Moving with haste or zeal.
hotfoot adv. (Britain) Hastily; without delay.
OOFTISHooftish n. (Archaic, British slang) Money.
OOFTISH n. (Yiddish) money, also OOF.
OUTFISHoutfish v. (Transitive) To catch bigger (or more) fish than.
OUTFISH v. to surpass in fishing.
SHUTOFFshutoff n. A valve used to turn something off.
shutoff n. The act of turning something off.
shut-off n. Alternative spelling of shutoff.
SOFTISHsoftish adj. Somewhat soft.
SOFTISH adj. somewhat soft.
THEREOFthereof adv. Of this, that, or it.
thereof adv. From that circumstance or origin; therefrom, thence.
THEREOF adv. of that.
TOFFISHtoffish adj. Like a toff.
TOFFISH adj. like a toff; posh.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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