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There are 20 seven-letter words containing F, N and 2U

FAUNULAFAUNULA n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULE.
FAUNULEfaunule n. A thin stratum of animal fossils.
FAUNULE n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULA.
FUGUINGfuguing v. Present participle of fugue.
FUGUE v. to compose a type of musical composition.
FUNGOUSfungous adj. Of or pertaining to fungi; fungal.
fungous adj. (Now rare, pathology) Of or containing a spongy, abnormal excrescence.
FUNGOUS adj. pertaining to a fungus, also FUNGIC.
LUNGFULlungful n. As much as the lungs will hold.
LUNGFUL n. as much as the lungs can hold.
TUNEFULtuneful adj. Having or producing a pleasing tune; melodic or melodious.
TUNEFUL adj. melodious.
UNCUFFSuncuffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncuff.
UNCUFF v. to remove handcuffs from.
UNFEUEDunfeued adj. (Scotland, of land) Not held in feudal tenure.
UNFEUED adj. not feued.
UNFLUSHunflush v. (Intransitive) To lose a flush of colour.
UNFLUSH v. to lose colour.
UNFOUNDunfound adj. Not found.
unfound v. (Rare) To disestablish; to undo the founding of.
unfound v. To dismiss a criminal charge as unfounded.
UNFUMEDunfumed adj. Not exposed to fumes; not fumigated.
unfumed adj. (Obsolete) Undistilled.
UNFUMED adj. not fumigated.
UNFUNNYunfunny adj. Not funny, especially when attempting to be.
UNFUNNY adj. not funny.
UNFURLSunfurls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfurl.
UNFURL v. to unroll.
UNFUSEDunfused adj. Not fused; distinct.
unfused adj. Lacking a fuse.
unfused v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfuse.
UNFUSSYunfussy adj. Not fussy.
UNFUSSY adj. not fussy.
UNRUFFEUNRUFFE adj. (Shakespeare) beardless, also UNROUGH.
UNSTUFTunstuft adj. Obsolete spelling of unstuffed.
UNSTUFT adj. (Shakespeare) unstuffed.
UNTURFSunturfs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unturf.
UNTURF v. to strip of turf.
UPFLUNGupflung adj. Flung or thrown up.
UPFLING v. to fling up.
URNFULSurnfuls n. Plural of urnful.
URNFUL n. as much as an urn can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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