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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2F, H and L

CLIFFHANGcliffhang v. (Intransitive) To be in suspense.
CLIFFHANG v. to keep a reader in suspense.
CLIFFHUNGcliffhung v. Simple past tense and past participle of cliffhang.
CLIFFHANG v. to keep a reader in suspense.
FAITHFULSfaithfuls n. Plural of faithful.
FAITHFUL n. one who is faithful.
FLYFISHERflyfisher n. A person who goes fly fishing.
FLYFISHER n. an angler who fishes with a fly.
FRIGHTFULfrightful adj. (Obsolete) Full of fright, whether.
frightful adj. Full of something causing fright, whether.
frightful adv. (Dialect) Frightfully; very.
HUFFISHLYhuffishly adv. In a huffish manner.
HUFFISH adv. given to huff, touchy.
RAFFISHLYraffishly adv. In a raffish manner.
RAFFISH adv. marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness.
RESHUFFLEreshuffle v. To shuffle something again, especially playing cards.
reshuffle v. To reorganize or rearrange something, especially government posts.
reshuffle n. An instance of reshuffling, a reorganization.
SHELFFULSshelffuls n. Plural of shelfful.
SHELFFUL n. as much as a shelf can hold.
SHUFFLERSshufflers n. Plural of shuffler.
Shufflers prop.n. Plural of Shuffler.
SHUFFLER n. one who shuffles.
SHUFFLINGshuffling v. Present participle of shuffle.
shuffling n. The act or motion of one who shuffles.
shuffling n. The noise created by something moving about.
WHIFFLERSwhifflers n. Plural of whiffler.
WHIFFLER n. an official who clears the way for a procession.
WHIFFLERYwhifflery n. (Obsolete) The behaviour of a whiffler (one who frequently changes course or opinion, or one who argues evasively).
WHIFFLERY n. levity; trifling.
WHIFFLINGwhiffling v. Present participle of whiffle.
whiffling n. Aimless talk; waffle.
whiffling n. A breathy noise, as of a horse or a bird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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