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There are 18 ten-letter words containing F, H, L, U and Y

CHEERFULLYcheerfully adv. In a cheerful manner.
CHEERFUL adv. in good spirits.
FAITHFULLYfaithfully adv. In a faithful manner.
faithfully adv. (US) A conventional formula for ending a letter, used when the salutation addresses the person for whom…
FAITHFUL adv. loyal.
FAROUCHELYSorry, definition not available.
FLUNKEYISHflunkeyish adj. Alternative form of flunkyish.
FLUNKEYISH adj. like a flunkey.
FRUMPISHLYfrumpishly adv. In a frumpish manner.
FRUMPISH adv. somewhat like a frump.
GHASTFULLYghastfully adv. In a ghastful manner.
GHASTFUL adv. (Spenser) terrifying; full of fear, also GASTFULL.
HASTEFULLYHASTEFUL adv. hasty, hurried.
MIRTHFULLYmirthfully adv. In a mirthful manner; happily.
MIRTHFUL adv. full of mirth.
RIGHTFULLYrightfully adv. In accordance with what is right or just; fairly.
rightfully adv. Rightly, correctly.
RIGHTFUL adv. just and proper.
SHAMEFULLYshamefully adv. In a shameful manner.
shamefully adv. Used to express discontent with a situation or occurrence.
SHAMEFUL adv. disgraceful.
SLOTHFULLYslothfully adv. In a slothful manner; lazily.
SLOTHFUL adv. sluggish.
SULFHYDRYLsulfhydryl n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent radical -SH that is the sulfur analogue of hydroxyl and constitutes the thiol group.
SULFHYDRYL n. a chemical group, SH, characteristic of sulphur-containing compounds, also SULPHHYDRYL.
THANKFULLYthankfully adv. In a thankful manner; giving thanks.
thankfully adv. (Sometimes proscribed) fortunately, gratefully.
THANKFUL adv. grateful.
TRUTHFULLYtruthfully adv. (Manner) In a truthful manner.
truthfully adv. Frankly.
TRUTHFUL adv. telling the truth.
UNFATHERLYunfatherly adj. Not fatherly; unpaternal.
UNFATHERLY adj. not fatherly.
WATCHFULLYwatchfully adv. In a watchful manner.
WATCHFUL adv. closely observant or alert.
WRATHFULLYwrathfully adv. In a wrathful manner; with anger; angrily.
WRATHFUL adv. extremely angry, also WROTHFUL.
YOUTHFULLYyouthfully adv. In a youthful manner.
YOUTHFUL adv. young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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