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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing F, M, R, T and Y

CONFORMITYconformity n. The state of things being similar or identical.
conformity n. A point of resemblance; a similarity.
conformity n. The state of being conforming, of complying with a set of rules, with a norm or standard.
COTYLIFORMcotyliform adj. (Botany) Having the form of a cup.
COTYLIFORM adj. disc-shaped with a raised rim.
CYATHIFORMcyathiform adj. In the form of a cup, a little widened at the top.
CYATHIFORM adj. shaped like a cup.
DEFAMATORYdefamatory adj. Damaging to someone’s reputation, especially if untrue.
DEFAMATORY adj. serving to defame.
DEFRAYMENTdefrayment n. The payment of charges.
DEFRAYMENT n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYAL.
DIFFORMITYdifformity n. (Obsolete) irregularity or diversity of form; lack of uniformity.
DIFFORMITY n. irregularity of form.
ELYTRIFORMelytriform adj. (Zoology) Having the form or structure of an elytron.
ELYTRIFORM adj. having the form, or structure, of an elytron.
FUMIGATORYfumigatory adj. Having the quality of purifying by smoke.
FUMIGATORY adj. having the quality of purifying by smoke.
METRIFYINGmetrifying v. Present participle of metrify.
METRIFY v. to compose in metrical form.
MIRTHFULLYmirthfully adv. In a mirthful manner; happily.
MIRTHFUL adv. full of mirth.
MORTIFYINGmortifying v. Present participle of mortify.
mortifying adj. Causing mortification; extremely embarrassing.
mortifying n. Mortification; abstinence.
MYSTIFIERSmystifiers n. Plural of mystifier.
MYSTIFIER n. one who mystifies.
MYTILIFORMmytiliform adj. Shaped like the shell of a mussel.
MYTILIFORM adj. mussel-shaped.
STORMFULLYstormfully adv. In a stormful manner.
STORMFUL adv. abounding with storms.
STYROFOAMSstyrofoams n. Plural of styrofoam.
STYROFOAM n. (tradename) a type of expanded plastic made from polystyrene.
TOMFOOLERYtomfoolery n. Foolish behaviour or speech.
tomfoolery n. (Cockney rhyming slang) Jewellery.
TOMFOOLERY n. playful or foolish behavior.
UNIFORMITYuniformity n. The state of being uniform, alike and lacking variety.
uniformity n. The absence of alternatives or diversity; sameness.
uniformity n. A collection of identical things.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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