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There are 15 seven-letter words containing F, M, N, O and R

CONFIRMconfirm v. To strengthen; to make firm or resolute.
confirm v. (Transitive, Christianity) To administer the sacrament of confirmation on (someone).
confirm v. To assure the accuracy of previous statements.
CONFORMconform v. (Intransitive, of persons, often followed by to) To act in accordance with expectations; to behave in…
conform v. (Intransitive, of things, situations, etc.) To be in accordance with a set of specifications or regulations…
conform v. (Transitive) To make similar in form or nature; to make suitable for a purpose; to adapt.
ENFORMSenforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enform.
ENFORM v. (Spenser) to form; to fashion.
FERMIONfermion n. (Particle physics, Standard Model) Any elementary or composite particle that has half-integer spin and…
FERMION n. a type of subatomic particle.
FORAMENforamen n. (Anatomy) An opening, an orifice, or a short passage, especially in a bone.
FORAMEN n. (Latin) a small anatomical opening.
FOREMANforeman n. (Management) The leader of a work crew.
foreman n. (Law) The member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf.
foreman n. (US, historical) A slave assistant to the white overseer who managed field hands.
FOREMENforemen n. Plural of foreman.
FOREMAN n. a man who supervises workers.
FORMANTformant n. (Physics, phonetics) A band of frequencies, in a sound spectrum, that have a greater intensity; they…
formant n. (Linguistics) A morpheme occurring as an affix to a root or stem, forming an extended root or stem.
FORMANT n. (German) a component of a speech sound.
FORMINGforming v. Present participle of form.
forming n. The act by which something is formed; formation.
FORMING n. the process of forming.
FROGMANfrogman n. A diver, especially one in a diving suit (as opposed to one in scuba gear).
frogman n. A military diver, e.g. a US Navy SEAL.
FROGMAN n. a person equipped for extended periods of underwater swimming.
FROGMENfrogmen n. Plural of frogman.
FROGMAN n. a person equipped for extended periods of underwater swimming.
INFORMSinforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inform.
INFORM v. to pass on information, also ENFORM.
NONFARMnonfarm adj. Concerned with the economic activities of all businesses except agricultural ones.
NONFARM adj. not pertaining to a farm.
UNFORMSunforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unform.
UNFORM v. to unmake.
UNIFORMuniform adj. Unvarying; all the same.
uniform adj. Consistent; conforming to one standard.
uniform adj. (Mathematics) with speed of convergence not depending on choice of function argument; as in uniform…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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