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There are 16 nine-letter words containing F, 2O, R and V

FERVOROUSfervorous adj. With fervour; fervent.
FERVOROUS adj. full of fervor.
FEVERROOTfeverroot n. The plant Ruellia tuberosa.
feverroot n. A plant in the genus Triosteum.
FEVERROOT n. an American wild plant.
FLAVOROUSflavorous adj. Having flavour; flavorsome.
FLAVOROUS adj. full of flavor.
FLOPOVERSflopovers n. Plural of flopover.
FLOPOVER n. a defect in television reception.
FOVEIFORMfoveiform adj. Resembling a fovea.
FOVEIFORM adj. shaped like a small pit.
FRIVOLOUSfrivolous adj. Silly, especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner.
frivolous adj. Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight; trivial.
frivolous adj. (Law, said of a lawsuit) Having no reasonable prospect of success because its claim is without merit…
OVENPROOFovenproof adj. (Of a dish) Suitable for use in an oven, without being damaged by the heat.
oven-proof adj. Alternative spelling of ovenproof.
OVENPROOF adj. resistant to the heat of an oven.
OVERFAVORoverfavor v. (Transitive) To favor excessively; to treat with undue preference.
OVERFAVOR v. to favor excessively.
OVERFLOODoverflood v. (Archaic) To flood.
overflood v. To flood or fill completely; to overflow.
overflood n. A flood; an excess or superabundance.
OVERFLOWNoverflown v. Past participle of overfly.
overflown v. (US, proscribed) past participle of overflow.
OVERFLY v. to fly over.
OVERFLOWSoverflows n. Plural of overflow.
overflows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overflow.
OVERFLOW v. to flow over the top of.
OVERFOCUSoverfocus v. To focus excessively (on a particular subject to the exclusion of others).
overfocus n. (Rare) Excessive focus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
OVERFOLDSoverfolds n. Plural of overfold.
OVERFOLD v. to fold over.
OVERPROOFoverproof adj. Possessing a higher proportion of alcohol than proof spirit.
overproof n. A spirit possessing a higher proportion of alcohol than proof spirit.
overproof v. (Transitive, baking) To proof (allow dough containing yeast to rise) excessively.
OVIFEROUSoviferous adj. Producing or bearing eggs.
OVIFEROUS adj. egg-carrying, also OVIGEROUS.
SOFTCOVERsoftcover adj. (Publishing, of a book) Having covers made of paper or thin cardboard; paperback.
softcover n. (Publishing) A book having such covers.
SOFTCOVER n. a paperback book.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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