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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing F, G, I, 2O and S

FESTOONINGfestooning v. Present participle of festoon.
festooning n. Material with which something is festooned.
FESTOON v. to adorn with garlands.
FETOLOGIESFETOLOGY n. a branch of medicine dealing with the fetus.
FETOLOGISTfetologist n. One who studies fetology.
FETOLOGIST n. one who studies the fetus.
FOLLOWINGSfollowings n. Plural of following.
FOLLOWING n. a body of supporters.
FOOTLIGHTSfootlights n. Plural of footlight.
foot-lights n. Plural of foot-light.
FOOTLIGHT n. one of a row of lights along the front of a theatre stage.
FOREGOINGSFOREGOING n. something that goes before.
FORSLOEINGFORSLOE v. (Shakespeare) to delay, also FORSLOW, FORESLOW.
FORSLOWINGforslowing v. Present participle of forslow.
FORSLOW v. (Shakespeare) to delay, also FORESLOW, FORSLOE.
FRIGATOONSfrigatoons n. Plural of frigatoon.
FRIGATOON n. a small Venetian vessel with a square stern and two masts.
OFFSHORINGoffshoring v. Present participle of offshore.
offshoring n. The location of a business in another country for tax purposes or lowering production costs, as the labor.
OFFSHORING n. the practice of substituting foreign labour for domestic.
SINGLEFOOTsinglefoot n. A horse’s gait, a cross between a pace and a trot, in which the two legs of one side are raised almost…
singlefoot v. (Intransitive) To proceed by means of the singlefoot gait.
SOLFEGGIOSsolfeggios n. Plural of solfeggio.
SOLFEGGIO n. a singing exercise using the syllable do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, also SOLFEGE.
SPONGIFORMspongiform adj. Like a sponge, porous, full of holes.
SPONGIFORM adj. resembling a sponge; soft and porous.
UFOLOGISTSufologists n. Plural of ufologist.
UFOLOGIST n. one interested in ufos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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