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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing F, G, O, R, S and U

AUSFORMINGausforming v. Present participle of ausform.
AUSFORMING n. the act of deforming, quenching, and tempering a metal.
AUTOGRAFTSautografts n. Plural of autograft.
AUTOGRAFT v. to make such a graft.
CONFIGURESconfigures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of configure.
CONFIGURE v. to set up (a computer system).
EGOSURFINGegosurfing n. (Internet) The act of using a search engine to find mentions of one’s name on the Internet.
egosurfing v. Present participle of egosurf.
ego-surfing n. Alternative form of egosurfing.
FOOTGUARDSfootguards n. Plural of footguard.
FOOTGUARDS n. guards that serve on foot.
FOREJUDGESforejudges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forejudge.
FOREJUDGE v. to deprive of a right etc. by judgment, also FORJUDGE.
FROGMOUTHSfrogmouths n. Plural of frogmouth.
FROGMOUTH n. one of several species of Asiatic and East Indian birds, so called from their very broad, flat bills.
FROUGHIESTFROUGHY adj. of timber, soft and brittle, also FROWY.
FRUGIVORESfrugivores n. Plural of frugivore.
FRUGIVORE n. an animal which primarily eats fruit.
FUMIGATORSfumigators n. Plural of fumigator.
FUMIGATOR n. one who fumigates.
FUSTIGATORfustigator n. A person who fustigates.
FUSTIGATOR n. one who fustigates, beats with a club.
GROUNDFISHgroundfish n. (Fishing) Fish that swim near the seafloor.
groundfish v. (Fishing) To fish for groundfish.
GROUNDFISH n. a marine fish that is found at the bottom e.g. cod, haddock.
OUTFIGURESoutfigures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outfigure.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
REFOCUSINGrefocusing v. Present participle of refocus.
refocusing n. A change of focus.
REFOCUS v. to focus again.
UNDERFONGSunderfongs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underfong.
UNDERFONG v. (Spenser) to undertake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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