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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing F, I, 2L, M and N

CLINGFILMSclingfilms n. Plural of clingfilm.
cling␣films n. Plural of cling film.
CLINGFILM n. thin plastic film that adheres to surfaces, used esp. for wrapping and covering foods.
FLAMINICALflaminical adj. Pertaining to a flamen.
FLAMINICAL adj. pertaining to a flamen, a priest of a Roman deity.
FULFILMENTfulfilment n. The act of fulfilling.
fulfilment n. The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization.
fulfilment n. The act of consummating a desire or promise.
FUMBLINGLYfumblingly adv. In a fumbling manner; while fumbling.
FUMBLING adv. FUMBLE, to handle clumsily.
INFLAMABLEINFLAMABLE adj. (obsolete) inflammable.
INFORMALLYinformally adv. In an irregular or informal manner; without the usual forms.
INFORMAL adv. marked by the absence of formality or ceremony, also UNFORMAL.
MANIFOLDLYmanifoldly adv. In a manifold manner.
MANIFOLD adv. many in number, also MANYFOLD.
MISFALLINGmisfalling v. Present participle of misfall.
MISFALL v. unluckily to befall.
MOLLIFYINGmollifying v. Present participle of mollify.
MOLLIFY v. to soften, appease.
UNFILMABLEunfilmable adj. Not suitable or able to be filmed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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