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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing F, 2L, N, O and U

FEUILLETONfeuilleton n. A section of a European newspaper typically dedicated to arts, culture, criticism, and light literature.
feuilleton n. An article published in such a section.
FEUILLETON n. (French) in French and other newspapers, a part ruled off the bottom of a page for a serial story, critical article, etc.; a contribution of this kind.
FLOCCULANTflocculant n. A flocculating agent.
flocculant adj. That flocculates.
FLOCCULANT adj. clothed with small flocks or flakes.
FLOCCULENTflocculent adj. Flocculated, resembling bits of wool; woolly.
flocculent adj. Covered in a woolly substance; downy.
flocculent adj. Flaky.
FLOUTINGLYfloutingly adv. With flouting; insultingly.
FLOUTING adv. FLOUT, to treat with contempt.
FLUGELHORNflugelhorn n. A brass instrument resembling a cornet but with a wider, conical bore, and usually with three valves…
flügelhorn n. Alternative spelling of flugelhorn.
FLUGELHORN n. (German) a bugle with valves, also FLUEGELHORN.
FOLLICULINfolliculin n. (Biochemistry) oestrone.
folliculin n. (Biochemistry) A protein associated with tumour suppression.
FOLLICULIN n. another name for oestrone.
MOURNFULLYmournfully adv. In a mournful manner; as if in mourning for something.
MOURNFUL adv. sad, grieving.
SCORNFULLYscornfully adv. In a scornful manner.
SCORNFUL adv. expressing contempt.
UNFELLOWEDunfellowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfellow.
unfellowed adj. Without a fellow; unmatched.
UNFELLOWED adj. being without a fellow.
UNFOLLOWEDunfollowed adj. Not followed.
unfollowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfollow.
UNFOLLOW v. to decline to receive messages from (a person who is posting on a social media site).
WOMANFULLYwomanfully adv. In a womanly manner.
WOMANFULLY adv. in the manner of a woman.
WRONGFULLYwrongfully adv. In a wrongful manner; unjustly.
WRONGFUL adv. wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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