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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing F, G, L, N and 2T

BEFITTINGLYbefittingly adv. In a befitting manner.
BEFITTING adv. BEFIT, to be suitable for.
BOATLIFTINGboatlifting v. Present participle of boatlift.
BOATLIFT v. to transport by boats.
FILMSETTINGfilmsetting v. Present participle of filmset.
filmsetting n. Photocomposition of type.
FILMSETTING n. setting by a process of typesetting.
FLAGITATINGflagitating v. Present participle of flagitate.
FLAGITATE v. to entreat or importune.
FLAGITATIONflagitation n. (Archaic) importunity; urgent demand.
FLAGITATION n. the action of asking or demanding with passion.
FLATFOOTINGflatfooting v. Present participle of flatfoot.
flatfooting n. A traditional form of clogging danced in Appalachia.
flat-footing v. Present participle of flat-foot.
FLUCTUATINGfluctuating v. Present participle of fluctuate.
fluctuating adj. Subject to irregular changes in quantity or quality.
fluctuating n. A fluctuation.
FLUSTRATINGflustrating v. Present participle of flustrate.
FLUSTRATE v. (obsolete) to fluster.
FLUTTERINGSflutterings n. Plural of fluttering.
FLUTTERING n. the act of fluttering.
FORTNIGHTLYfortnightly n. A publication issued fortnightly (once every two weeks).
fortnightly adj. Occurring once in a fortnight; once every two weeks.
fortnightly adv. Once in a fortnight; once every two weeks.
LEAFLETTINGleafletting v. Present participle of leaflet.
LEAFLET v. to distribute printed sheets of paper.
OUTFLOATINGoutfloating v. Present participle of outfloat.
OUTFLOAT v. to float longer than.
STAGFLATIONstagflation n. (Economics) Inflation accompanied by stagnant growth, unemployment or recession.
STAGFLATION n. persistent inflation combined with stagnant consumer demand and relatively high unemployment.
STRENGTHFULstrengthful adj. (Archaic) Full of strength; strong; having strength; powerful.
STRENGTHFUL adj. full of strength.
STULTIFYINGstultifying v. Present participle of stultify.
stultifying adj. Tending to stultify.
STULTIFY v. to cause to appear absurd.
TANGLEFOOTSTANGLEFOOT n. (US) whisky, intoxicating liquor.
UNFITTINGLYunfittingly adv. In a way that is not fitting; inappropriately; unsuitably.
UNFITTING adv. UNFIT, to make unfit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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