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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing F, I, 2O, T and U

COFUNCTIONScofunctions n. Plural of cofunction.
COFUNCTION n. a kind of trigonometric function.
CONFUTATIONconfutation n. The act or process of confuting; refutation.
CONFUTATION n. the act of confuting.
COUNTERFOILcounterfoil n. The part of a cheque that is retained in the chequebook as a record; a stub.
COUNTERFOIL n. part of ticket or cheque retained by giver.
DISULFOTONSDISULFOTON n. an organophosphorus systemic insecticide.
FIBROMATOUSfibromatous adj. Of or relating to a fibroma.
FIBROMATOUS adj. of or like a fibroma.
FOETIPAROUSfoetiparous adj. Alternative form of fetiparous.
FOETIPAROUS adj. of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring, also FETIPAROUS.
FORMULATIONformulation n. The act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula.
formulation n. (Medicine) A medicinal preparation.
FORMULATION n. an act or the product of formulating.
FOUNDATIONSfoundations n. Plural of foundation.
FOUNDATION n. the act of founding.
MORTIFEROUSmortiferous adj. (Now rare) Causing spiritual death.
mortiferous adj. Causing physical death; deadly, fatal, lethal.
MORTIFEROUS adj. death-bringing; fatal.
OBFUSCATIONobfuscation n. (Uncountable) The act or process of obfuscating, or obscuring the perception of something; the concept…
obfuscation n. (Uncountable) Confusion, bewilderment, or a baffled state resulting from something obfuscated, or made…
obfuscation n. (Countable) A single instance of intentionally obscuring the meaning of something to make it more difficult to grasp.
OUTFLOATINGoutfloating v. Present participle of outfloat.
OUTFLOAT v. to float longer than.
OUTFLOWINGSoutflowings n. Plural of outflowing.
OUTFLOWING n. the act of outflowing.
OUTFROWNINGoutfrowning v. Present participle of outfrown.
OUTFROWN v. to frown more than.
SUFFOCATIONsuffocation n. (Uncountable) Asphyxia—a condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the…
suffocation n. (Countable) A particular act of death or killing by means of asphyxia.
SUFFOCATION n. the act of suffocating.
SULFONATIONsulfonation n. (Chemistry) The replacement of a hydrogen atom of an organic compound with a sulfonic acid (-SO3H) functional…
SULFONATION n. the act of sulfonating.
TUBIFLOROUStubiflorous adj. (Botany) Having tubular flowers.
TUBIFLOROUS adj. having tubular flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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