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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing F, L, M, N and 2O

CONFIRMATIONALconfirmational adj. (Philosophy) Of or pertaining to the confirmation of one theory or observation by others.
CONFIRMATIONAL adj. relating to confirmation.
CONFORMABILITYconformability n. Conformableness.
CONFORMABILITY n. the quality of being conformable.
CONFORMATIONALconformational adj. Of or pertaining to a conformation.
CONFORMATIONAL adj. relating to conformation.
DISCONFORMABLEdisconformable adj. Not conformable.
DISCONFORMABLE adj. not conformable.
ELECTROFORMINGelectroforming n. The manufacture of shaped components by electrodeposition on a pattern or mandrel.
ELECTROFORMING n. forming (shaped articles) by electrodeposition on a mould.
FOOTPLATEWOMANFOOTPLATEWOMAN n. a female train driver and assistant.
FOOTPLATEWOMENFOOTPLATEWOMAN n. a female train driver and assistant.
FORMALISATIONSformalisations n. Plural of formalisation.
FORMALISATION n. the act of formalising, also FORMALIZATION.
FORMALIZATIONSformalizations n. Plural of formalization.
FORMALIZATION n. the act of formalizing, also FORMALISATION.
FROLICSOMENESSfrolicsomeness n. The quality of being frolicsome; playfulness.
FROLICSOME n. given to pranks; sportive.
MOLLIFICATIONSmollifications n. Plural of mollification.
MOLLIFICATION n. the act of mollifying.
NONFILAMENTOUSnonfilamentous adj. Not filamentous.
NONFILAMENTOUS adj. not filamentous.
REFORMULATIONSreformulations n. Plural of reformulation.
REFORMULATION n. the act of reformulating.
TOMFOOLISHNESStomfoolishness n. The quality of being tomfoolish.
TOMFOOLISHNESS n. the state of being tomfoolish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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