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There are 16 nine-letter words containing F, 2I, N, R and U

AURIFYINGaurifying v. Present participle of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
FIBRINOUSfibrinous adj. Of, pertaining to, characteristic of, resembling or having the nature of fibrin.
FIBRINOUS adj. having, or partaking of the properties of, fibrin; as, fibrinous exudation.
FIGURINESfigurines n. Plural of figurine.
FIGURINE n. a small modelled or sculpted figure.
FISSURINGfissuring v. Present participle of fissure.
fissuring n. The formation of a fissure.
FISSURE v. to split, cleave.
FRUITINGSfruitings n. Plural of fruiting.
FRUITING n. the stage of producing fruit.
FRUITIONSfruitions n. Plural of fruition.
FRUITION n. a fulfilment of something desired.
INFURIATEinfuriate v. To make furious or mad with anger; to fill with fury.
infuriate adj. (Now rare) Filled with, characterized by or expressing fury.
INFURIATE adj. enraged.
INFUSORIAinfusoria n. Plural of infusorium.
Infusoria prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic class within the kingdom Protozoa – minute organisms, such as monads, Acinetae…
INFUSORIA n. a class of protozoa found in stagnant water.
LUCIFERINluciferin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of polycyclic heterocycles that are responsible for the bioluminescence…
LUCIFERIN n. a protein-like substance in the luminous organs of certain animals, which is acted on by the enzyme luciferase to produce bioluminescence.
NULLIFIERnullifier n. One who, or that which, nullifies.
NULLIFIER n. one who nullifies or makes void; one who maintains the right to nullify a contract by one of the parties.
OUTFIRINGoutfiring v. Present participle of outfire.
OUTFIRE v. to surpass in firing.
PURIFYINGpurifying v. Present participle of purify.
purifying n. An act of purification.
PURIFY v. to cleanse from impurities.
REUNIFIEDreunified v. Simple past tense and past participle of reunify.
REUNIFY v. to unify again.
REUNIFIESreunifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reunify.
REUNIFY v. to unify again.
RUBIFYINGrubifying v. Present participle of rubify.
RUBIFY v. to redden, also RUBEFY.
UNFAIRINGunfairing v. Present participle of unfair.
UNFAIR v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of beauty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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