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There are 17 words containing F, I, K, O and 2R

FERRONICKELferronickel n. A ferroalloy of iron and nickel.
FERRONICKEL n. an alloy of iron and nickel.
FERRONICKELSFERRONICKEL n. an alloy of iron and nickel.
FIELDWORKERfieldworker n. A person who does fieldwork.
FIELDWORKER n. one who works in the fields.
FIELDWORKERSfieldworkers n. Plural of fieldworker.
FIELDWORKER n. one who works in the fields.
FIGUREWORKfigurework n. Decorative figures.
figurework n. Arithmetic; mathematics done with figures.
FIGUREWORK n. counting or calculation using numbers.
FIGUREWORKSFIGUREWORK n. counting or calculation using numbers.
FIREWORKfirework n. A device using gunpowder and other chemicals which, when lit, emits a combination of coloured flames…
FIREWORK n. a device which explodes with loud noise and colour.
FIREWORKSfireworks n. Plural of firework.
fireworks n. (Plural only) An event or a display where fireworks are set off.
fireworks n. (Plural only, figuratively) A boisterous or violent event or situation.
FORESKIRTforeskirt n. The front skirt of a garment, in distinction from the train.
FORESKIRT n. (Shakespeare) the front skirt of a garment, in distinction from the train.
FORESKIRTSforeskirts n. Plural of foreskirt.
FORESKIRT n. (Shakespeare) the front skirt of a garment, in distinction from the train.
FORETHINKERforethinker n. One who thinks ahead, or plans things in advance.
FORETHINKER n. one who forethinks.
FORETHINKERSforethinkers n. Plural of forethinker.
FORETHINKER n. one who forethinks.
FORKIERFORKY adj. resembling a fork.
FORTRESSLIKEfortresslike adj. Resembling a fortress in shape or impregnability.
FORTRESSLIKE adj. like a fortress.
FROLICKERfrolicker n. One who frolics; a reveler.
FROLICKER n. one who frolics.
FROLICKERSfrolickers n. Plural of frolicker.
FROLICKER n. one who frolics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 466 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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