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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing G and 2I

ATIGIATIGI n. (Inuit) a kind of parka worn in Canada, also ARTIGI.
DIGITdigit n. (Mathematics) The whole numbers from 0 to 9 and the Arabic numerals representing them, which are combined…
digit n. (Mathematics) A distinct symbol representing one of an arithmetic progression of numbers between 0 and the radix.
digit n. (Units of measure, astronomy) 112 the apparent diameter of the sun or moon, (chiefly) as a measure…
GENIIgenii n. (Roman mythology) plural of genius; guardian spirits.
genii n. Plural of genie.
GENIUS n. (Latin) an exceptional natural aptitude.
GIBLIgibli n. Alternative form of ghibli.
GIBLI n. (Arabic) the name in Libya of the scirocco, a hot, dry, dusty wind, also GHIBLI.
ICINGicing n. (Cooking) A sweet, often creamy and thick glaze made primarily of sugar, often enriched with ingredients…
icing n. (Ice hockey) A minor violation of ice hockey rules, occurring when a player shoots the puck from his/her…
icing n. The process of forming a layer of ice on a surface.
IRINGiring v. Present participle of ire.
IRE v. to anger.
PIINGpiing v. Present participle of pi.
PI v. to mix type indiscriminately.
RIGIDrigid adj. Stiff, rather than flexible.
rigid adj. Fixed, rather than moving.
rigid adj. Rigorous and unbending.
SIGILsigil n. A seal, signature or signet.
sigil n. An occult or magical sign, image or symbol.
sigil n. (Programming) A nonalphanumeric character (a symbol) affixed to a term (such as a variable) to indicate…
VIGIAvigia n. (Nautical) A warning on a navigational chart indicating a reef or other hazard which has been reported…
VIGIA n. (Spanish) a danger warning on a chart.
VIGILvigil n. An instance of keeping awake during normal sleeping hours, especially to keep watch or pray.
vigil n. A period of observation or surveillance at any hour.
vigil n. The eve of a religious festival in which staying awake is part of the ritual devotions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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